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Chug Meter for St. Patrick's Day by Circuito.io

Let’s settle once and for all - who is the fastest chugger of ‘em all?

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours14,777

Things used in this project

Hardware components

SparkFun Force Sensitive Resistor 0.5"
SparkFun Mini Pushbutton Switch
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
SparkFun 7-Segment Serial Display - Red
SparkFun 7-Segment Serial Display - Red
SparkFun Mini Speaker - PC Mount 12mm 2.048kHz

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Code for Chug Meter

Replace the setup and loop functions from the code you got from circuito.io, with the code below
int start_flag = 0;
bool glassState = 0;
long finalTime, time0;
int timer;

/* This code sets up the essentials for your circuit to work. It runs first every time your circuit is powered with electricity. */
void setup() {
  // Setup Serial which is useful for debugging
  // Use the Serial Monitor to view printed messages


  s7s.clearDisplay();  // Clears display, resets cursor
  s7s.setBrightness(255);  // High brightness
  s7s.setDecimals(0b00010000);  // Sets colon and apostrophe, see .cpp file for reference

/* This code is the main logic of your circuit. It defines the interaction between the components you selected. After setup, it runs over and over again, in an eternal loop. */
void loop() {
  // Read FSR resistance value. try also fsr.getResistance()
  // For more information see Sparkfun website - www.sparkfun.com/products/9375
  // Note, the default Vcc and external resistor values for FSR calculations are 5V ang 3300Okm, if you are not
  //       using these default valuse in your circuit go to FSR.cpp and change default values in FSR constructor
  float fsrForce = fsr.getForce();
  //Serial.print(F("    Force: ")); Serial.print(fsrForce); Serial.println(F(" [g]"));

  //Read pushbutton state.
  //if button is not pushed function will return LOW (0). if it is pushed function will return HIGH (1).
  //if debounce is not working properly try changing 'debounceDelay' variable in Button.h
  //try also pushButton.onPress(), .onRelease() and .onChange() for debounce.
  bool pushButtonVal = pushButton.onPress();
  //Serial.print(F("Val: ")); Serial.println(pushButtonVal);

  //Reset the time using the push-button
  if (pushButtonVal == 1) {
    start_flag = 0;
    glassState = 0;
    //Start timer
    time0 = millis();

  //set time state
  if (start_flag == 0) {
    //If the galss is placed
    if (fsrForce > 50)
      glassState = 1;
      //Start timer
      time0 = millis();

    //If the glass was picked up
    else if (fsrForce < 50 && glassState)
      finalTime = millis() - time0;
      start_flag = 1;
  //the glass was picked, run the timer
  else if (start_flag == 1)
    //while you are drinking, display the time on the 7-Seg display
    if (fsrForce < 100)
      finalTime = (millis() - time0) / 10;

    //Finish drinking, stop timer, print final time, and play hooray sound
      start_flag = 2;
      finalTime = (millis() - time0) / 10;
      piezoSpeaker.playMelody(piezoSpeakerHoorayLength, piezoSpeakerHoorayMelody, piezoSpeakerHoorayNoteDurations);

  //always print final time until reset button is pushed



circuito.io team

circuito.io team

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Circuito.io is an online platform that generates wiring and code for Arduino projects. Want to know more? Visit http://circuito.io
