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Claude G. Beaudoin
Published © GPL3+

M5Stack GPS Logger

GPS logger that stores your location into a GPX file with a back end web server to view daily rides, add comments and multi-media files.

AdvancedFull instructions provided1 hour12,702
M5Stack GPS Logger

Things used in this project

Hardware components

ESP32 GREY Development Kit with 9Axis Sensor
M5Stack ESP32 GREY Development Kit with 9Axis Sensor
You could also use the basic black model.
GPS Module with Internal & External Antenna (NEO-M8N)
M5Stack GPS Module with Internal & External Antenna (NEO-M8N)
ESP32 Dev Board
Required if building without M5Stack
GPS Module
Required if building without M5Stack
Adafruit MicroSD card breakout board
Required if building without M5Stack
Resistor 221 ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
Required if building without M5Stack
General Purpose Transistor NPN
General Purpose Transistor NPN
Required if building without M5Stack (I use a 2N2222)
Linear Regulator (7805)
Linear Regulator (7805)
Required if building without M5Stack
Capacitor 100 µF
Capacitor 100 µF
Required if building without M5Stack
Capacitor 10 µF
Capacitor 10 µF
Required if building without M5Stack
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Required if building without M5Stack
Buzzer, Piezo
Buzzer, Piezo
Required if building without M5Stack
5 mm LED: Red
5 mm LED: Red
Required if building without M5Stack

Software apps and online services

Google Maps API
OpenWeatherMap API Key

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Required if building without M5Stack


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Fritzing File

Contains breadboard and completed PCB

Breadboard of ESP32 Dev Module



GitHub Source Code Archive


Claude G. Beaudoin
2 projects • 7 followers
Over 30 years of application / hardware development from concept to product commercialization and marketing.


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