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Build a Battle Bot Controlled with a PS2 Controller

Learn how to build a simple battle bot that can be controlled with a PS2 controller via Bluetooth.

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Build a Battle Bot Controlled with a PS2 Controller

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Connector Adapter, DC Power - 2.1mm
Connector Adapter, DC Power - 2.1mm
UNO R3 Sensor Shield V5.0
Motor Driver Module Shield
PS2 Controller
Motors & Back Wheels
You can use other motors and wheels but we used these because they were easy to assemble and hook up
Swivel Caster Wheel
For front wheel
18650 Battery Storage Case
18650 Rechargeable Batteries 3.7v
We used this for the body, flippers, etc.
Jumper Wires

Software apps and online services

Arduino Web Editor
Arduino Web Editor

Hand tools and fabrication machines

SKIL Cordless Screwdriver
Canary Cardboard Scissors


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Custom parts and enclosures

3D printed Spinner

This is a 3D printed spinner one of the students created that was attached to one of the motors. It is activated when the PS2 controller X button is pressed.

Motor Connector - Single Piece

This is a 3D printed connector piece that we used to attach to the ends of the motors so we could easily connect dowels to them.

Motor Connector - 12 Pack

12 pack of the 3D printed connector piece that we used to attach to the ends of the motors. Use this if you want to print a lot of these for a class, otherwise use the Motor Connector - Single Piece .stl to print just 1.


Motor Board

This is wiring for the motor board. Shows how the motors are connected to the motor board and also how the wires are connected from the motor board to the sensor shield.

PS2 Controller Bluetooth Wiring

Diagram that displays how to connect the bluetooth wiring up to the sensor shield.

Extra Motor Wired To Sensor Shield & Breadboard With Resistor

This is an extra motor that was added to activate a flipper when the PS2 X button is pressed.


Battlebot with PS2 Controller

Code that allows you to control the battlebot with a PS2 controller


0 projects • 7 followers
0 projects • 5 followers


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