The point of this project is to introduce basic robot programming skills, so students can build more advanced robotics projects at CoderDojo Twin Cities ( Feel free to follow this guide even if you do not attend the program!
This introduction to robot programming is supposed to introduce the key concepts of calling and creating functions. The code can be expanded to include the control of the onboard LED strip, as well as the ultrasonic sensor mounted at the front of the robot.
This project is supposed to be used in conjunction with other curriculum developed by Dan McCreary for CoderDojo TC. For more detailed documentation, along with other labs designed for CoderDojo, please see his Github Repository at:
NOTE! The bill of materials listed above is NOT complete. Since the robot was designed for a non-profit use, the target price for the robot is about $30. All of the parts were sourced for this project on eBay. For a complete list of required components, and eBay links to purchase the materials, please see Dan's website at: