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How to Make a Siren Using Arduino

My project is a button controlled siren with different LED transitions. You can change the siren sound with each press.

How to Make a Siren Using Arduino

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
LED (generic)
LED (generic)
5 red LED and 5 blue LED
Resistor 221 ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
Pushbutton switch 12mm
SparkFun Pushbutton switch 12mm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Resistor 100 ohm
Resistor 100 ohm
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
9V battery (generic)
9V battery (generic)


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Hardware Required

Circuit & Connections

STEP A: (Connecting LED)

As we are basically building a siren, red and blue flashes look cool. So take 5 red and 5 blue LEDs. Now, connect the negative terminal of these LEDs with a 220 ohm resistor (current limiting) to the negative rail of the breadboard as shown in the circuit diagram. Positive ends of red LEDs are connected to pin 3 to pin 7, while the positive ends of blue LEDs are connected to pin 8 to pin 12 of Arduino's digital pin.

STEP B: (Connecting Piezo Buzzer)

Now, it's time to connect our buzzer and the pushButton to the breadboard. Connect the Piezo buzzer with a 100 ohm resistor to the negative rail and positive end of buzzer connected to pin 13.

STEP C: (Connecting pushButton)

Connect one out of four pins of pushButton with pin 2 and connect down it to GND rail using a pull down resistor of 10k ohm. Connect 5V with another button pin as shown in the circuit diagram.


Siren Code Arduino

Here is the code!




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