james wolf
Published © GPL3+

Kid friendly 2 button emergency cell phone

I wanted a distraction-free way to give my 7 year old a way of quickly contacting me in an emergency, so I built a 2 button cell phone.

AdvancedFull instructions provided18 hours2,601
Kid friendly 2 button emergency cell phone

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Waveshare SIM7600A-H LTE HAT
Seeed Studio Seeeduino Xiao
SparkFun LiPo Charger/Booster - 5V/1A
SparkFun LiPo Charger/Booster - 5V/1A
820mAh 653042 Lipo Battery Rechargeable Lithium ion
Rocker Switch 2Pin Toggle SPST Switch Snap with Lines
Square Cap Momentary Tactile Push Button Switch
TAOGLAS FXUB63 Wide Band GPS Antenna

Software apps and online services

Ting SIM card $10/month


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Custom parts and enclosures

STL phone case base

You can 3d print your own copy of the case I made for this phone

STL phone case top

3d print the top for this phone case


Wiring diagram for custom carrier board with Seeeduino Xiao and SIM7600 HAT


Kid Friendly 2 button cellphone using SIM7600 Hat and Seeeduino Xiao

use Arduino IDE to program the Xiao (or similar microcontroller) to operate as a 2 button cell phone. Full comments explaining how to use and modify


james wolf

james wolf

4 projects • 26 followers
arduino nerd
