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Arduino Breath Controller for Cheap (USB-MIDI)

Admit it, you always wanted to play around with a breath controller but couldn't justify the expense. Well, you have no excuse now.

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours17,621
Arduino Breath Controller for Cheap (USB-MIDI)

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Micro
Arduino Micro
You could probably lower the cost with a clone but I recommend the original. Only the Micro (ATmega32U4) will work due to the native USB capabilities.
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
MPS20N0040D-D Pressure Sensor
Dirt cheap and quite easy to find.
LM358-N Op Amp
We'll use the popular LM358 op amp to amplify the sensor's signal.
Resistor 1M ohm
Resistor 1M ohm
Hook Up Wire Kit, 22 AWG
Hook Up Wire Kit, 22 AWG
You don't need a full kit of course, just a few cm of solid core wire.
Baby Nasal Aspirator
Yup, you read right. We'll be using the parent-side mouthpiece and the baby-side aspirator. There are dozens of manual aspirators of the same type around (for example Physiomer Nasal Aspirator, Chicco Physioclean etc.). Choose the mouthpiece type you find more comfortable.
5mm aquarium airline tubing
Optional, if the tubing of the aspirator is not long enough. Standard aquarium airline tubing will do.
3-way air tubing connector
This specific Chinese OEM one can be found easily in aquarium shops under different names. It fits directly on the sensor.

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Wire Stripper & Cutter, 32-20 AWG / 0.05-0.5mm² Solid & Stranded Wires
Wire Stripper & Cutter, 32-20 AWG / 0.05-0.5mm² Solid & Stranded Wires


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Fritzing Schematic


Circuitlab schematic


Breath controller code

Upload this code to your breath controller via Arduino IDE
  Breath Controller

//Libraries used - install them from Tools->Manage Libraries
#include <Oversampling.h>
#include <USB-MIDI.h>

//Debug mode (uncomment to enable)
//#define DEBUG 1

//Creation of the USB MIDI interface

//Oversampling init
Oversampling adc(10, 13, 6);

// ***************** User Setup ***************** 
// Values ending in 1 correspond to blowing while those ending in 2 to drawing in air
// Pin setup
const int sensorPin1 = A0;    // select the Arduino input pin for the Sensor/Op Amp output

// Range Calibration. Adjust this manually so that you can reach maximum but not too easily.
int sensorRange1 = 800;
int sensorRange2 = 800;

// Output controller number. Select from below table
// 0-127: regular control change messages
// 128: monophonic aftertouch
// 129: Pitch Bend Up 
// 130: Pitch Bend Down 
int controllerNumber1 = 2;  // Controller sent when blowing
int controllerNumber2 = 2;  // Controller sent when drawing in air

// Output controller channels
int controllerChannel1 = 1;
int controllerChannel2 = 1;

// Safety thresholds for lowest and highest values to avoid fluctuations when at rest or max. 
// If multiple messages are sent when at rest increase the lowThreshold. 
// If multiple messages are sent when at max increase the highThreshold. 
const int lowThreshold1 = 5;
const int lowThreshold2 = 5;

const int highThreshold1 = 0;
const int highThreshold2 = 0;

// Curve definition. Tables can have any legth equal or larger than 2. Values can be 0-127 . Tables should have the same number of elements and "in" tables should be in ascending order.
// Conversions are done at a readings level so loss of definition is minimized.
int in1[]   = {0, 127};
int out1[]  = {0, 127};

int in2[]   = {0, 127};
int out2[]  = {0, 127};

// Example curves (modify sensor number accordingly)

//int in1[]   = {0, 6,24,78,127};
//int out1[]  = {0,32,64,96,127};

// Reduced range
//int in1[]   = {50, 100};
//int out1[]  = {50, 100};

// Refresh Cycle (milliseconds). Lower values mean more messages are sent during operation.
int refreshCycle = 0;

//  ***************** Implementation  ***************** 
// Do not modify from this point and onward if you do not intent to alter the operation of the sensor.

// Internal Value of Sensors
int sensorValue1 = 0;
int sensorValue2 = 0;

// Minimum sensor values 
int sensorMin1;
int sensorMin2;

// Output controller values
int controllerValue1 = 0;
int controllerValue2 = 0;

// Previous cycle values used to avoid repetition of identical messages
int previousControllerValue1 = 0;
int previousControllerValue2 = 0;

// Range conversion variable init
int outputRange1;
int outputRange2;

int sensorLow1;
int sensorLow2;

int sensorHigh1;
int sensorHigh2;

void setup() {

#ifdef DEBUG
  Serial.begin (115200); //Only for debug mode

// Calibrate sensor's rest point by averaging 10 first values. Do not use the sensor while booting the device.
  sensorMin1 = adc.read(sensorPin1);
  sensorMin2 = 0;

// Determine output ranges for the controllers chosen
  outputRange1 = outputRange(controllerNumber1);
  outputRange2 = outputRange(controllerNumber2);

void loop() {
// read the value from the sensor:
  sensorValue1 = adc.read(sensorPin1); // Blowing air
  sensorValue2 = sensorMin1 - sensorValue1; // Drawing in air

// Store previous values
  previousControllerValue1 = controllerValue1;
  previousControllerValue2 = controllerValue2;
// Usable range limits for sensor up/down
  sensorLow1 = sensorMin1 + lowThreshold1;
  sensorLow2 = sensorMin2 + lowThreshold2;

  sensorHigh1 = sensorLow1 + sensorRange1 - highThreshold1;
  sensorHigh2 = min(sensorMin1,sensorRange2) - highThreshold2;

// Convert internal values to output range (0..127 for controllers/aftertouch 0..+/-8191 for Pitchbend Up/Down) using the curves defined in "in" and "out" tables.
  controllerValue1 = map(mapToCurve(constrain(sensorValue1,sensorLow1,sensorHigh1),sensorLow1,sensorHigh1,in1,out1,sizeof(in1)/sizeof(int)),sensorLow1,sensorHigh1,0,outputRange1);
  controllerValue2 = map(mapToCurve(constrain(sensorValue2,sensorLow2,sensorHigh2),sensorLow2,sensorHigh2,in2,out2,sizeof(in2)/sizeof(int)),sensorLow2,sensorHigh2,0,outputRange2);

// Send MIDI messages  
  if (controllerValue1 != previousControllerValue1) sendSensorOutput(controllerNumber1, controllerValue1, controllerChannel1);
  if (controllerValue2 != previousControllerValue2) sendSensorOutput(controllerNumber2, controllerValue2, controllerChannel2);

// Debug

#ifdef DEBUG
// Sensor (input) values (uncomment for debug)
//  Serial.print (sensorValue1);
//  Serial.print (",");
//  Serial.print (sensorValue2);
//  Serial.print (",");
// Controller (output) values
  Serial.print (controllerValue1);
  Serial.print (",");
  Serial.println (controllerValue2);
// stop the program for for <refreshCycle> milliseconds:

// Function used to send MIDI messages according to controller number
void sendSensorOutput (int number, int value, int channel) {
  if (number < 128) MIDI.sendControlChange(number, value, channel);
  else if (number == 128) MIDI.sendAfterTouch(value, channel);
  else if (number == 129) MIDI.sendPitchBend(value, channel);
  else if (number == 130) MIDI.sendPitchBend(-value, channel);

// Function used to determine the range of a specific controller. This is due to the fact pitch bend has a larger range than regular controllers.
int outputRange (int number) {
  if (number > 128) return 8191;
  else return 127;

// Modified multiMap function used to create curves. Original by Rob Tillaart.
int mapToCurve(int val, int sensorLow, int sensorHigh, int* _in, int* _out, uint8_t size)
  // take care the value is within range
  // val = constrain(val, _in[0], _in[size-1]);
  if (val <= map(_in[0],0,127,sensorLow,sensorHigh)) return map(_out[0],0,127,sensorLow,sensorHigh);
  if (val >= map(_in[size-1],0,127,sensorLow,sensorHigh)) return map(_out[size-1],0,127,sensorLow,sensorHigh);

  // search right interval
  uint8_t pos = 1;  // _in[0] already tested
  while(val > map(_in[pos],0,127,sensorLow,sensorHigh)) pos++;

  // adjusting range from ..127 to sensor range
  int inPos = map(_in[pos],0,127,sensorLow,sensorHigh);
  int outPos = map(_out[pos],0,127,sensorLow,sensorHigh);
  int inPrv = map(_in[pos-1],0,127,sensorLow,sensorHigh);
  int outPrv = map(_out[pos-1],0,127,sensorLow,sensorHigh);

  // this will handle all exact "points" in the _in array
  if (val == inPos) return outPos;
  // interpolate in the right segment for the rest
  return ((long)val - (long)inPrv) * ((long)outPos - (long)outPrv) / ((long)inPos - (long)inPrv) + (long)outPrv;


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