Daan Pape
Published © MIT

Simon Says with DPT-Board

Get to know your DPT-Board and make the fun Simon Says game. You will learn some basic hardware and Javascript

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Simon Says with DPT-Board

Things used in this project

Hardware components

DPTechnics DPT-Board
The DPTechnics IoT-development board
5mm LED
Standard 5mm LED in any color you like
1K resistor
250mW 1k resistor for the LEDs
Tactile switch
Input switches for the game
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Standard breadboard
Jumper wires


Read more


Full schematic

The complete Simon Says schematic

LED connection

This is how you connect the LED's to the DPT-Board


Simon Says for the DPT-Board

Just copy this code into the DPT-Web IDE and start playing
 * Simon Says for the DPT-Board
 * Date: 14 october 2015

// translating to hardware pins. ex: [23, 22, 1, ...]
var output = [6, 7, 16, 8];
var input = [12, 13, 15, 19];

// length of current run
var currLength = 2;

// generated series
var serie = [];

// read series
var read = [];

function setLength(nr) {
	currLength = nr;

function isCorrect() {
	print("is " + serie + " === " + read);
	for (var i=0; i < serie.length; i++) {
		if (serie[i] !== read[i]) {
			return false;
	return true;

function doWon() {
	print("-- won -- next level " + currLength);
	digitalWrite(output[0], 1);
	digitalWrite(output[1], 1);
	digitalWrite(output[2], 1);
	digitalWrite(output[3], 1);
	setTimeout(restart, 2000);

function doLost() {
	print("-- lost -- going back to level " + currLength);
	digitalWrite(output[0], 1);
	digitalWrite(output[1], 0);
	digitalWrite(output[2], 0);
	digitalWrite(output[3], 1);
	setTimeout(restart, 1500);

function restart() {
	digitalWrite(output[0], 0);
	digitalWrite(output[1], 0);
	digitalWrite(output[2], 0);
	digitalWrite(output[3], 0);
	setTimeout(playRound, 1500);

function nextClick(nr) {
	print("button: " + nr);
	if (serie.length === read.length) {
		print("finished run of " + read.length);

		if (isCorrect()) {
		} else {

function randPin() {
	var x = Math.random();
	if (x < 0.25) return 0;
	if (x < 0.50) return 1;
	if (x < 0.75) return 2;
	if (x < 1.00) return 3;

// call function "button" with button-nr and down/up only once.
// default state = 1
var states = [1,1,1,1];

setInterval(function buttonReader() {
	for(var i=0; i < input.length; i++) {
	var curr = digitalRead(input[i]);
		if (curr !== states[i]) {
			if ((curr === 0)) {
			states[i] = curr;
}, 20);

function playRound() {
	serie = [];
	var nr = 0;

	function doOn() {
		digitalWrite(output[serie[nr]], 1);
		setTimeout(doOff, 600);

	function doOff() {
		digitalWrite(output[serie[nr]], 0);
		nr += 1;
		if (nr < currLength) {
			setTimeout(doOn, 333);
		} else {
			read = [];

	// make random serie
	for (var i=0; i<currLength; i++) {
	print("to guess: " + serie);



Daan Pape
1 project • 0 followers
I'm the founder of www.dptechnics.com and www.bluecherry.io
