Hackster is hosting Hackster Holidays, Ep. 6: Livestream & Giveaway Drawing. Watch previous episodes or stream live on Monday!Stream Hackster Holidays, Ep. 6 on Monday!
Karen Li
Created November 14, 2015 © LGPL

Part 3: Finished Concept Vehicle

The finished concept vehicle with a remote control!

Part 3: Finished Concept Vehicle


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Code using a Wired Controller

#include <Servo.h> 
Servo myservo;  // create servo object to control a servo 
                // twelve servo objects can be created on most boards
int pos = 90;    // variable to store the servo position 
int potpin = 2;  // analog pin used to connect the potentiometer
int val;    // variable to read the value from the analog pin

const int buttonPin = 3;     // the number of the pushbutton pin1
const int buttonPin2 = 11;
int goForward = 0;
int goBackward = 0;

// connect motor controller pins to Arduino digital pins
// motor one
int enA = 5;
int in1 = 10;
int in2 = 7;
// motor two
int enB = 6;
int in3 = 8;
int in4 = 9;

void setup()
  pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);
  pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT);
  // set all the motor control pins to outputs
  pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);
  myservo.attach(A0);  // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object 

void forward() {
  digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void backward() {
  digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);  
  digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(in4, HIGH); 

void motorsOn() {
  analogWrite(enB, 255);
  analogWrite(enA, 255);

void motorsOff() {
  digitalWrite(enA, 0);
  digitalWrite(enB, 0);
  digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(in2, LOW);  
  digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void steer() {
  val = analogRead(potpin);            // reads the value of the potentiometer (value between 0 and 1023) 
  val = map(val, 0, 1023, 90, 180);     // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180) 
  myservo.write(val);                  // sets the servo position according to the scaled value 
  delay(40);                           // waits for the servo to get there 

void loop() {
  goForward = digitalRead(buttonPin2);
  goBackward = digitalRead(buttonPin);

  while (goForward == HIGH) {
//    steer();
    goForward = digitalRead(buttonPin2);

  while (goBackward == HIGH) {
    goBackward = digitalRead(buttonPin);


Karen Li

Karen Li

11 projects • 0 followers
