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Dexter Industries
Published © MIT

Animated Smart Elf with Raspberry Pi Servo Controller

In this project we show you how to animate an Elf on a Shelf with the PivotPi, a Raspberry Pi servo controller, making it a smart elf.

BeginnerFull instructions provided1 hour1,569
Animated Smart Elf with Raspberry Pi Servo Controller

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Dexter Industries PivotPi Servo Controller for the Raspberry Pi
Small Servo for the PivotPi
Dexter Industries Raspbian for Robots SD Card
Wifi Dongle
Dexter Industries GrovePi Zero
Ultrasonic Sensor
4XAA batteries
USB Power Battery
Small Twist Wires
Elf on a Shelf


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Dexter Industries
32 projects • 84 followers
We think everyone should be able to build, learn, and experiment with robotics.
