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Dexter Industries
Published © MIT

Build a Custom Minecraft Controller

Build a Custom Minecraft Controller With the GrovePi.

BeginnerFull instructions provided2 hours2,783
Build a Custom Minecraft Controller

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Dexter Industries GrovePi+
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
Dexter Industries Raspbian for Robots
Seeed Studio Grove Buttons
Seeed Studio Grove Joystick
Wireless Keyboard and Mouse

Software apps and online services

Dexter Industries Raspbian for Robots


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GrovePi setup for the Minecraft Controller

Attach sensors and the joystick. Place the GrovePi on the Raspberry Pi.
Connect a Button Sensor to port A0.
Connect a Joystick to port A2.
Connect a Button sensor to Port D3.
Connect a Button sensor to Port D4.


Code for the Raspberry Pi Controller for Minecraft

This python program is the main control program for the Minecraft Controller for the Raspberry Pi.


Dexter Industries

Dexter Industries

32 projects • 84 followers
We think everyone should be able to build, learn, and experiment with robotics.
