This project provides the ability for users to collectively create posters, thus honoring the 50th year anniversary of Berkeley's Free Speech Movement.
The landing page of the app has a picture of a boy holding a megaphone signifying my support for free speech. The install button at the bottom installs the FSM Toq applet onto the Qualcomm Smart Watch. The applet contains 6 cards. Each card contains the names and photos of the 6 FSM activists back in the day. Additionally, the content of these 6 cards can be modified and updated onto the watch by reinstalling the applet using the uninstall button followed by the install button.
Step 1: Lets assume that the app is already installed on my phone and I want to re-install it. I click on "Uninstall" and the appler uninstalls from the watch and the button greys out. The user can then re-install the app by clicking "Install". The applet gets added to the watch and we are good to go!
Step 2: Once the app is installed, my phone starts detecting location. When I get close to Sproul Plaza, I see a notification on my watch with a random FSM character and the drawing I'm supposed to do.
Step 3: I then navigate to the applet on the watch and open the card corresponding to the character mentioned in the notification.
Step 4: When I open the card, the application will fire off the drawing application on my phone so that the user can start drawing on it.
Step 5: On my drawing app, I can between colors - red, green, blue, black. There is also an eraser in case I want to correct my drawing mistakes. There is also an option to draw shapes - Circle and Square. I can change the brush size using a slider. If I want to start afresh, there is a button to clear the canvas and start over.
Step 6: Once I'm done drawing, I click on upload. The app saves a copy of the drawing to my phone and uploads the same onto Flickr with the tag "cs160fsm".
Step 7: While that is going on, the app also downloads a random flickr image with the tag "cs160fsm" and sends it to the watch.
Step 8: I then check my watch and open the applet to find the new card with the bonus image.
- Provided a clean landing page with a cool background to set the context i.e support for Free Speech Movement and a modern minimalistic design - with only custom install and uninstall buttons that grey out when pressed (feedback to the user that a grey button cannot be pressed).
- I wanted to avoid hiding my toolbar or having it show up on on the sides with a tab pull. Instead, I instead wanted to show all the tools to the user at once at the bottom of the screen. The idea is that this makes my app similar to tools like Mac Paintbrush and Microsoft Paint in that the canvas and the tools are displayed on a single screen. People are familiar with these products already, so learning to use my drawing app takes a lot less time.
- Provided option to choose shapes
- Provided option to choose colors
- Provided option to change brush size
- Provided option to erase
- Provided option to clear the canvas and start afresh
- "Save to phone gallery" and "Upload to Flickr" are done with a single button click thus avoiding one additional step of having the user pick up the saved image from the gallery and upload to flickr.
- The drawing app has been developed from scratch [and has not been inspired by *wink**wink*]. Also, maximized space for the drawing canvas by designing the toolbar to fit into 50px height while keeping it uncluttered.
1. TAs' sample apps shared with us during cs160 sections
2. Qualcomm Toq's sample app that came with the SDK
3. for everything else
4. for free android icons
5. for the image