Environmental conditions in which one work play as an important role as motivation and time. The following parameters were accounted in this project:
- Perfect room temperature lies between 18 and 22 °C (according to WHO organisation);
- Optimal humidity level for health and eye comfort is minimum 40%;
- Concentration of CO2 should be smaller than 1, 000ppm;
- Level of the luminosity for eye comfort should be >500KΩ.
LDC screen continuously shows an info about all the parameters and if a value of any parameter goes out of reccomended range, then the screen becomes red. As well, for the eye comfort at the end of the work there is a possibility to press a touch sensor which activates rainbow leds.
- SCHEMATICS To make this project work, firstly I connected sensors with Arduino, like it is represented on the photo below and on the schematics at the end of the project description:
- CODE Then I wrote a code for Adruino to get the data from the sensors. But I didn't want just to receive the data, I wanted to be able to show separatedly the graphs of each parameter's value change and save them for futher analysis. To do this I used Vittascience platform (link to the project: https://fr.vittascience.com/arduino/?link=5ebf7216b3cb5).
In addition to the link I added C++ code for Arduino, which can be found at the end of the project description.
- DATA Then I tried to use the kit and get the data about parameters of the room.
That's how a working Arduino with sensors looks like:
When the work is done, one can touch the touch sensor and the rainbow leds will start shining. The colors will change each other authomaticallly.
To analyse and save the data Vittascience platform is very useful, that's how I got my data:
I really hope that my project will help everyone to increase productivity and work everyday in healthy conditions.
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