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Dilshan Jayakody
Published © MIT

24-Bit Stereo Audio DAC for Raspberry Pi

24-bit stereo DAC which is specially built for Raspberry Pis. This R-2R DAC delivers the clear audio output with minimum configuration.

AdvancedFull instructions provided8 hours5,326
24-Bit Stereo Audio DAC for Raspberry Pi

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Intel EPM240T100C5
Microchip MCP602
Texas Instruments LM1117IMP-3.3
onsemi SS14
Intel FPGA USB Download Cable
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B

Software apps and online services

Intel Quartus Prime Lite Edition

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Rework Station Kit, SMD
Rework Station Kit, SMD


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Stereo Audio DAC Schematic


Stereo Audio DAC Project Repository

This repository contains all the files and binaries to build DAC, which including Intel Quartus Project files, Raspberry Pi Device Tree Overlays, etc..


Dilshan Jayakody

Dilshan Jayakody

28 projects • 34 followers
Hello, I'm an embedded systems engineer, amateur radio operator and amateur astronomer.
