Anthony NeaceJoe ElliottMartin DisibioJoshua Nord
Created November 30, 2016

DineTime Alexa Skill

Ask Alexa for the wait time at DineTime Restaurants


Things used in this project

Hardware components

Echo Dot
Amazon Alexa Echo Dot

Software apps and online services

Alexa Skills Kit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Skills Kit
AWS Lambda
Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda
A mock client is provided with our code containing sample responses for DineTime APIs.


Read more


Ask for the Wait Time at a Restaurant



Lambda function
/* eslint-disable  func-names */
/* eslint quote-props: ["error", "consistent"]*/
'use strict';

const Alexa = require('alexa-sdk');
const APP_ID = 'amzn1.ask.skill.bfeb69c6-60eb-40e1-9834-6c831bf92441';
const ClientName = 'dinetime-alexa';
const ClientVersion = '.0.0.1';

var nconf = require('nconf').env();
var polarisClient = require('./polaris-client');

var url = nconf.get('url');
if(url == undefined) {
    console.warn('Warning: Missing url config variable');

var accountId = nconf.get('accountid');
if(accountId == undefined) {
    console.warn('Warning: Missing accountid config variable');

var passcode = nconf.get('passcode');
if(passcode == undefined) {
    console.warn('Warning: Missing passcode config variable');

if (undefined == url ||
    undefined == accountId ||
    undefined == passcode) {

    console.warn('Warning: Missing required config variable; using mock API')
    polarisClient = require('./polaris-client-mock');   

function getFirstSearchResult(restaurantName, lat, long, cb) {
    search(restaurantName, lat, long).then(function(sites) {
        if(sites != null && sites.length > 0) {
        else {
    }, function() { cb(null); });

function search(restaurantName, lat, long) {

    var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

            url: url,
            accountId: accountId,
            passcode: passcode
        }, ClientName, ClientVersion);

        polarisClient.serviceCall('/api/hub/search/search', {
            ProfileID: null,
            PartySize: 4,
            ReservationDate: null,
            ReservationTime: null,
            SearchLatitude: lat,
            SearchLongitude: long,
            QsrVisitSourceID: null,
            RadiusMiles: 30,
            Name: restaurantName,
            Cuisines: null,
            Neighborhoods: null,
            City: null,
            County: null,
            QsrStateID: null,
            QsrCountryID: null,
            Categories: null,
            PhoneNumber: null,
            SearchSortTypeID: 1,
            PageNumber: null,
            //base request
            AccountID: null,
            AppID: null,
            DeviceID: null,
            CountryCode: null
        }, 'POST').then(function(result) {
            //if success then return quote high/low for only the first restaurantName
            var sites = [];
            if(result.Success) {
                if(result.Value && result.Value.SearchResults && result.Value.SearchResults.length > 0) {
                    sites = result.Value.SearchResults;
                    //site = result.Value.SearchResults[0];                    
                    /*quote = {
                        quoteValueLow: site.AverageWaitQuote.QuoteLow,
                        quoteValueHigh: site.AverageWaitQuote.QuoteHigh

            } else {
                console.log("failed or returned no results");
        }, function() { reject(); });

    return promise;

const languageStrings = {
    'en-US': {
        translation: {
            SKILL_NAME: 'Dine Time',
            HELP_MESSAGE: 'With Dine Time you can ask what restaurants are nearby? or what is the wait time at any Dine Time restaurant... What can I help you with?',
            HELP_REPROMPT: 'What can I help you with?',
            STOP_MESSAGE: 'Goodbye!',

function handleNotOpen(emitter, restaurantName) {
    console.log('not open handler');
    var message = 'The nearest ' + restaurantName + ' is not currently open. Is there anything else I can help you with?';
    return emitter.emit(':ask', message, "Sorry, I didn't get that.");

function handleNoResults(emitter, restaurantName) {
    console.log('no results handler');
    return emitter.emit(':ask', 'Sorry, did not find any ' + restaurantName + ' restaurants nearby in Dine Time. Is there anything else I can help you with?');

const handlers = {
    'LaunchRequest': function () {
    'NoIntent': function() {
    'TellCityIntentThenGetWaitTime': function() {
        var emitter = this;
        var cityName = this.event.request.intent.slots.City.value;
        if(cityName == null || cityName == undefined) {
            return emitter.emit(":tell", "Sorry I didn't understand that city name.");            
        this.attributes["City"] = cityName;
        //return emitter.emit(":ask", "Ok, your location is now set to " + cityName + ". What can I help you with?", "Sorry, I didn't get that");
    'TellCityIntentThenSearchNearby': function() {
        var emitter = this;
        var cityName = this.event.request.intent.slots.City.value;
        if(cityName == null || cityName == undefined) {
            return emitter.emit(":tell", "Sorry I didn't understand that city name.");            
        this.attributes["City"] = cityName;
        //return emitter.emit(":ask", "Ok, your location is now set to " + cityName + ". What can I help you with?", "Sorry, I didn't get that");
    'GetNearbySitesIntent': function() {
        var emitter = this;
        var cityName = this.event.request.intent.slots.City.value;
        if(cityName == null || cityName == undefined) {
            cityName = emitter.attributes["City"];

        if(cityName == null || cityName == undefined) {
            //this.attributes["STATE"] = "ThenSearchNearby";
            emitter.handler.state = "ThenSearchNearby";
            return emitter.emit(":ask", "Which city should I search for restaurants in?", "Sorry, I didn't get that.");

        emitter.handler.state = "";  
        emitter.state = ""
        emitter.attributes["STATE"] = "";              

        getTopLocation(cityName, function(location) {            

            if(location == null) {
                return emitter.emit(":ask", "Sorry I don't understand the city " + cityName + ". Please repeat that or try a different city.", "Sorry, I didn't get that.");
            var radiusMiles = location.RadiusMiles;
            var lat = location.Latitude;
            var lng = location.Longitude;

            console.log('--searching nearby--');
            search(null, lat, lng).then(function(sites) {
                if(sites == null || sites.length == 0) {
                    return emitter.emit(':ask', 'Sorry there are no DineTime restaurants nearby. Please try a different city.', "Sorry, I didn't get that.");

                var message = 'There are ' + sites.length + ' restaurants nearby in ' + cityName;
                if(sites.length > 5) {
                    message = message + ". Some include: ";
                for(var i=0; i < 5 && i < sites.length; i++) {
                    message = message + sites[i].SiteInfo.Name + ", ";
                message = message + "... You can ask for the wait time at any of those restaurants. Is there anything else I can help you with?";
                return emitter.emit(':ask', message, "Sorry, I didn't get that.");
    'GetWaitTimeIntent': function () {
        var emitter = this;

        var restaurantName = "";

        if(emitter.attributes["Restaurant"]) {
            restaurantName = emitter.attributes["Restaurant"];

        if(this.event.request.intent.slots.RestaurantName) {
            restaurantName = this.event.request.intent.slots.RestaurantName.value;
            emitter.attributes["Restaurant"] = restaurantName;
        var cityName = emitter.attributes["City"];
        if(this.event.request.intent.slots.City && this.event.request.intent.slots.City.value) {
            cityName = this.event.request.intent.slots.City.value;

        if(cityName == null || cityName == undefined) {
            //this.attributes["STATE"] = "ThenGetWaitTime";
            emitter.handler.state = "ThenGetWaitTime";
            return emitter.emit(":ask", "Which city should I search for " + restaurantName + " in?", "Sorry, I didn't get that.");

        emitter.handler.state = "";  
        emitter.state = ""
        emitter.attributes["STATE"] = "";          

         getTopLocation(cityName, function(location) {
            if(location == null) {
                return emitter.emit(":ask", "Sorry I don't understand the city " + cityName + ". Please repeat that or try a different city.", "Sorry, I didn't get that.");

            var radiusMiles = location.RadiusMiles;
            var lat = location.Latitude;
            var lng = location.Longitude;

            getFirstSearchResult(restaurantName, lat, lng, function(result) {        
                if(result == null) {
                    return handleNoResults(emitter, restaurantName);

                if(result.SiteInfo.SiteOperationStatusId != 2) {
                    return handleNotOpen(emitter, result.SiteInfo.Name);

                restaurantName = result.SiteInfo.Name;
                var quoteLow = result.AverageWaitQuote.QuoteLow;
                var quoteHigh = result.AverageWaitQuote.QuoteHigh;
                var address = result.SiteInfo.Address;

                var message = "";
                if(quoteLow >= 0 && quoteHigh >= 0) {
                    message = "The wait time at the " + restaurantName + " at " + address + " is " + quoteLow + " to " + quoteHigh + " minutes";
                } else {
                    message = "There is no wait at the " + restaurantName + " at " + address;
                emitter.emit(':ask', message + "... Is there anything else I can help you with?");  
        console.log('intent ending');
        //this.emit(':tell', 'test stuff');
    'AMAZON.HelpIntent': function () {
        const speechOutput = this.t('HELP_MESSAGE');
        const reprompt = this.t('HELP_MESSAGE');
        this.emit(':ask', speechOutput, reprompt);
    'AMAZON.CancelIntent': function () {
        this.emit(':tell', this.t('STOP_MESSAGE'));
    'AMAZON.StopIntent': function () {
        this.emit(':tell', this.t('STOP_MESSAGE'));
    'SessionEndedRequest': function () {
        this.emit(':tell', this.t('STOP_MESSAGE'));

// Adapter to translate Hub DTO
function adaptLocationForAlexa(searchText, cb)
    var alexaLocations = [];
    searchlocations(searchText).then(function(locations) {

            if(entry.Action != null && entry.Action.Parameters != null && entry.Action.Parameters.length != 0)
                var locationParts = findLocationParts(entry.Action.Parameters, "Id");

                    Text: entry.Text,
                    RadiusMiles: locationParts.radiusMiles,
                    Latitude: locationParts.latitude,
                    Longitude: locationParts.longitude

    }, function() {

function getTopLocation(searchText, cb) {
    adaptLocationForAlexa(searchText, function(locations) {
        if(locations == null || locations.length == 0) {
            return cb(null);
        return cb(locations[0]);

function searchlocations(searchtext) {

    var promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

            url: url,
            accountId: accountId,
            passcode: passcode
        }, ClientName, ClientVersion);

        polarisClient.serviceCall('/api/hub/search/searchlocations', {
            SearchText: searchtext,
            //base request
            AccountID: null,
            AppID: null,
            DeviceID: null,
            CountryCode: null
        }, 'POST').then(function(result) {
            var locations = [];
            if(result.Success) {
                if(result.Value && result.Value.length > 0) {
                    locations = result.Value;

            } else {
                console.log("failed or returned no results");
        }, function() { reject(); });

    return promise;

// Helper function to turn AppDynamicActionDTO back into a useable location
function findLocationParts(arr, name)
    var location = {};
    var radiusMiles = findInArray(arr, name, 3);
    var lat = findInArray(arr, name, 4);
    var long = findInArray(arr, name, 5);    

    if(radiusMiles != false) location.radiusMiles = radiusMiles;
    if(lat != false) location.latitude = lat;
    if(long != false) location.longitude = long;
    return location;

// Helper function to return element of an array based on a field's value
function findInArray(arr, name, value) {
    for (var i = 0, len = arr.length; i<len; i++) {
        if (name in arr[i] && arr[i][name] == value) return arr[i].Value;
    return false;

exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    const alexa = Alexa.handler(event, context);
    alexa.APP_ID = APP_ID;
    // To enable string internationalization (i18n) features, set a resources object.
    alexa.resources = languageStrings;


Package.json for lambda function
  "name": "dinetime-alexa",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "description": "Lambda Function for DineTime Alexa Skill",
  "main": "index.js",
  "scripts": {
    "test": "./node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha"
  "author": "QSR Automations, Inc.",
  "private": true,
  "license": "",
  "dependencies": {
    "alexa-sdk": "^1.0.6",
    "crypto-js": "^3.1.6",
    "debug": "^2.3.3",
    "deep-extend": "^0.4.1",
    "moment": "^2.17.0",
    "nconf": "^0.8.4",
    "request": "^2.79.0"
  "devDependencies": {
    "lambda-local": "^1.3.0",
    "mocha": "^3.2.0"


Mock library that returns canned data responses for DineTime API
var debug = require('debug')('polaris-client-mock');

function PolarisClientMock() {


/*** Service Calls ***/

PolarisClientMock.prototype.start = function(config, name, version){
  debug('Started Mock Polaris Service Client');

PolarisClientMock.prototype.serviceCall = function(uri, data, type){
  switch(uri) {
    case '/api/hub/search/search':
      return Promise.resolve(
          body = {
            Value: {
                  "DistanceMiles": 1.3269570489364813,
                  "SiteInfo": {
                    "Address": "1361 S Decatur Blvd",
                    "Address2": "",
                    "City": "Las Vegas",
                    "Country": "United States",
                    "Name": "Olive Garden - Las Vegas - Decatur",
                    "State": "Nevada"
                  "AverageWaitQuote": {
                    "QuoteLow": 1,
                    "QuoteHigh": 5
                  "DistanceMiles": 4.558298712188712,
                  "SiteInfo": {
                    "Address": "3786 Las Vegas Blvd",
                    "Address2": "",
                    "City": "Las Vegas",
                    "Country": "United States",
                    "Name": "CPK - The Park",
                    "State": "Nevada"
                  "AverageWaitQuote": {
                    "QuoteLow": 10,
                    "QuoteHigh": 15
                  "DistanceMiles": 5.744905257036563,
                  "SiteInfo": {
                    "Address": "10990 Lavender Hill Drive",
                    "Address2": "",
                    "City": "Las Vegas",
                    "Country": "United States",
                    "Name": "Red Robin Summerlin",
                    "State": "Nevada"
                  "AverageWaitQuote": {
                    "QuoteLow": 20,
                    "QuoteHigh": 25

        case '/api/hub/search/searchlocations':
          return Promise.resolve(
          body = {
          Success: true,
            Value: [
                "Text": "89102, Las Vegas, NV",
                "Action": {
                  "TypeId": 1,
                  "Parameters": [
                      "Id": 6,
                      "Name": null,
                      "Value": "89102"
                      "Id": 14,
                      "Name": null,
                      "Value": "Las Vegas"
                      "Id": 15,
                      "Name": null,
                      "Value": "18"
                      "Id": 16,
                      "Name": null,
                      "Value": "1"
                      "Id": 3,
                      "Name": null,
                      "Value": "50.000000"

/*** End Service Calls ***/

module.exports = exports = new PolarisClientMock();


Intent schema definition for Alexa Skill
{ "intents": [ 
  { "intent": "GetNearbySitesIntent",
    "slots": [
        "name": "City",
        "type": "AMAZON.US_CITY"
  { "intent": "GetWaitTimeIntent",
  	"slots": [
        "name": "RestaurantName",
        "type": "RESTAURANT_NAME"
        "name": "City",
        "type": "AMAZON.US_CITY"
  { "intent": "TellCityIntent", 
    "slots": [
        "name": "City",
        "type": "AMAZON.US_CITY"
  { "intent": "NoIntent"},
  { "intent": "AMAZON.HelpIntent" }, 
  { "intent": "AMAZON.StopIntent" }, 
  { "intent": "AMAZON.CancelIntent" } 
] }


Definition of custom slot type

Cracker Barrel
Olive Garden
Yard House
California Pizza Kitchen


The final compiled utterances file for Alexa skill
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName} in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName} near {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName} near in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName} near at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at the {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at the {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at the {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName} nearby {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName} around {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at {RestaurantName} around in {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName} around in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at {RestaurantName} around at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at the {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at the {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at the {RestaurantName} around at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} around at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName} around at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName} around at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName} around at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at {RestaurantName} at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName} at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName} at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at the {RestaurantName} at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName} at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} close by {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at the {RestaurantName} close by {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} close by in {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} close by in {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at the {RestaurantName} close by in {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} close by in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} close by in {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName} close by in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName} close by in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at the {RestaurantName} close by in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName} close by in {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName} close by in {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the time to be seated at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait time at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait time at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait time at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the wait at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is wait at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for wait at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how long is time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for time to be seated at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the table availability at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is table availability at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for table availability at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent what is the availability at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long is availability at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent how long for availability at the {RestaurantName} close by at {City}
GetWaitTimeIntent when can I seat at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how soon can I seat at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent can I seat at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent when can I be seated at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent how soon can I be seated at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent can I be seated at {RestaurantName}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how soon can I eat at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent can I eat at {RestaurantName}
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GetWaitTimeIntent how soon can I get a table at {RestaurantName}
GetWaitTimeIntent can I get a table at {RestaurantName}
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GetWaitTimeIntent can I go to {RestaurantName}
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GetNearbySitesIntent are there restaurants nearby
GetNearbySitesIntent where is food nearby
GetNearbySitesIntent what restaurants are there nearby
GetNearbySitesIntent will I be able to eat nearby
GetNearbySitesIntent can I eat nearby
GetNearbySitesIntent where can I get a bite to eat nearby
GetNearbySitesIntent what restaurants are around
GetNearbySitesIntent what places to eat are around
GetNearbySitesIntent where can I eat around
GetNearbySitesIntent are there restaurants around
GetNearbySitesIntent where is food around
GetNearbySitesIntent what restaurants are there around
GetNearbySitesIntent will I be able to eat around
GetNearbySitesIntent can I eat around
GetNearbySitesIntent where can I get a bite to eat around
GetNearbySitesIntent what restaurants are close by
GetNearbySitesIntent what places to eat are close by
GetNearbySitesIntent where can I eat close by
GetNearbySitesIntent are there restaurants close by
GetNearbySitesIntent where is food close by
GetNearbySitesIntent what restaurants are there close by
GetNearbySitesIntent will I be able to eat close by
GetNearbySitesIntent can I eat close by
GetNearbySitesIntent where can I get a bite to eat close by
GetNearbySitesIntent what restaurants are near
GetNearbySitesIntent what places to eat are near
GetNearbySitesIntent where can I eat near
GetNearbySitesIntent are there restaurants near
GetNearbySitesIntent where is food near
GetNearbySitesIntent what restaurants are there near
GetNearbySitesIntent will I be able to eat near
GetNearbySitesIntent can I eat near
GetNearbySitesIntent where can I get a bite to eat near
GetNearbySitesIntent what restaurants are here
GetNearbySitesIntent what places to eat are here
GetNearbySitesIntent where can I eat here
GetNearbySitesIntent are there restaurants here
GetNearbySitesIntent where is food here
GetNearbySitesIntent what restaurants are there here
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GetNearbySitesIntent can I eat here
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GetNearbySitesIntent where can I get a bite to eat at {City}
TellCityIntent {City}
TellCityIntent I'm in {City}
TellCityIntent I am in {City}
TellCityIntent I'm at {City}
TellCityIntent I am at {City}
TellCityIntent My city is {City}
TellCityIntent The city is {City}
TellCityIntent It is {City}
TellCityIntent That is {City}
TellCityIntent In {City}
TellCityIntent At {City}
NoIntent No
NoIntent Nope
NoIntent Nada
NoIntent No thanks
NoIntent No thank you
NoIntent Nothing
NoIntent Not right now
NoIntent Negatory
NoIntent Negative
NoIntent I'm done
NoIntent undefined
NoIntent I am done
NoIntent I'm not hungry
NoIntent I am not hungry
NoIntent I changed my mind
NoIntent I don't think so
NoIntent I lost my appetite
NoIntent No way
NoIntent Not
NoIntent Naw
NoIntent No more

Utterances compiler and inputs
No preview (download only).


Anthony Neace

Anthony Neace

1 project • 1 follower
Software Engineer from Kentucky
Joe Elliott

Joe Elliott

1 project • 2 followers
Martin Disibio

Martin Disibio

1 project • 2 followers
Joshua Nord

Joshua Nord

1 project • 1 follower
