I try to understand ESP32-CAM module power consumption.
There is FireBeetle Board-ESP32 board without camera, that has 10uA consumption "out of the box" (schematic).
ESP32-CAM schematic:
There are a lot of excess and not optimal components.
First, compile code with Platformio (Arduino-ESP32 framework).
platformio.ini file:
[env:esp32cam]platform = espressif32framework = arduinoboard = esp32camupload_port = /dev/cu.wchusbserial1410upload_speed = 115200
#include "Arduino.h"void setup(){esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(60 * 1000000);esp_deep_sleep_disable_rom_logging();esp_deep_sleep_start();} void loop() {}
Module "out of the box" 2800uA
Remove camera: 1800uA
Unsolder AMS1117 LDO. No LDO, no camera: 400uAadding this code safe about 100uA.
Now 260uA. Good.
Define CONFIG_ULP_COPROC_ENABLED 1 or 0 not affected.
Where is 10uA ?!Add adc_power_off(); not affected.
Remove PSRAM memory.
Now ~170uA. Good.
Change env:esp32cam to env:esp32dev in platformio.ini cause we cut off some memory.... =).
Unsolder LED doesn't affect.
Let see OV2640 camera datasheet. I saw, that OV2640 can be shut-off.
To be continued... (My research time is over, sorry)