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Doug Domke
Published © GPL3+

Self-Setting Big Clock Build with Nano ESP32 and MicroPython

An impressive self-setting clock build from extremely simple hardware thanks to the Nano ESP32 and Micro-Python.

IntermediateFull instructions provided2 hours675

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano ESP32
32 x 8 Flexible RGB LED display
9 volt 2 amp power supply

Software apps and online services

Arduino Lab for MicroPytho


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Clock Schematic


Python Code for Clock

import time, ntptime, network, neopixel
from machine import Pin

WIFI_NETWORK = 'NetworkName'
WIFI_PASSWORD = 'NetworkPassword'
GMT_OFFSET = -7  # time zone adjustment here

# create instance of neopixel strip attached to ESP32 pin 9 (Arduino D6)
num_pixels = 256
panel = neopixel.NeoPixel(Pin(9), num_pixels)   

# Define colors
myColor = (0, 0, 15)  #starts out blue
black = (0, 0, 0)
# twelve colors that gradually transistion from green thhrough blue to red; changes occur every 5 seconds
colors = [(0,12,0),(0,12,3),(0,9,6),(0,7,7),(0,5,9),(0,4,12),(0,0,15),(4,0,14),(6,0,10),(8,0,7),(10,0,3),(12,0,0)]

timezone = GMT_OFFSET * 60 * 60   # change timezone offset to seconds

num = [  # our font for numbers 0-9
  [ 0x38,  # 001110   number 0  
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x4C,  # 010011  
    0x54,  # 010101  
    0x64,  # 011001  
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x38,  # 001110  
    0x00], # 000000        
  [ 0x10,  # 000100   number 1  
    0x30,  # 001100  
    0x10,  # 000100  
    0x10,  # 000100  
    0x10,  # 000100  
    0x10,  # 000100  
    0x38,  # 001110  
    0x00], # 000000  
  [ 0x38,  # 001110   number 2   
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x04,  # 000001  
    0x18,  # 000110  
    0x20,  # 001000  
    0x40,  # 010000  
    0x7C,  # 011111  
    0x00], # 000000  
  [ 0x38,  # 001110   number 3   
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x04,  # 000001  
    0x38,  # 001110  
    0x04,  # 000001  
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x38,  # 001110  
    0x00], # 000000  
  [ 0x08,  # 000010   number 4   
    0x18,  # 000110  
    0x28,  # 001010  
    0x48,  # 010010  
    0x7C,  # 011111  
    0x08,  # 000010  
    0x08,  # 000010  
    0x00], # 000000  
  [ 0x7C,  # 011111   number 5   
    0x40,  # 010000  
    0x40,  # 010000  
    0x78,  # 011110  
    0x04,  # 000001  
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x38,  # 001110  
    0x00], # 000000  
  [ 0x18,  # 000110   number 6   
    0x20,  # 001000  
    0x40,  # 010000  
    0x78,  # 011110  
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x38,  # 001110  
    0x00], # 000000  
  [ 0x7C,  # 011111   number 7   
    0x04,  # 000001  
    0x08,  # 000010  
    0x10,  # 000100  
    0x20,  # 001000  
    0x20,  # 001000  
    0x20,  # 001000  
    0x00], # 000000  
  [ 0x38,  # 001110   number 8   
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x38,  # 001110  
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x38,  # 001110  
    0x00], # 000000  
  [ 0x38,  # 001110   number 9   
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x44,  # 010001  
    0x3C,  # 001111  
    0x04,  # 000001  
    0x08,  # 000010  
    0x30,  # 001100  
    0x00]  # 000000  

# turn a specific LED at position x,y to off (0) or on (1)
def SetLED(y,x,onOff):
    if (x%2==0):
        LEDnum = 8*x + y
        LEDnum = 8*x + 7 - y
    if (onOff==1):
        panel[LEDnum] = myColor
        panel[LEDnum] = black
    # note that we haven't written this change to the panel yet

# put numbers onto the display using our font in positions 0-3. 
# positions 0 and 1 are for hours, while 2 and 3 are seconds
def setNum(number, myPos):
    if (myPos==0): pos = 2   # change pos to the real location in the array
    elif (myPos==1): pos = 8
    elif (myPos==2): pos = 18
    elif (myPos==3): pos = 24
    for x in range(0,6):  # now place the digit's 6x8 font on the display
        for y in range(0,8):
            if (x%2==0):  # the LEDs in the strip zigzag up and down across the display
                LEDnum = 8*(x + pos) + y
                LEDnum = 8*(x + pos) + 7 - y
            if (num[number][y] & (0b01000000 >> x)): 
                panel[LEDnum] = myColor
                panel[LEDnum] = black
def setColon(onOff):  # turn the colon on (1) or off (0)

# Make panel black
def clearPanel():

#connect to WiFi and set the RTC
def getNTPtime():
    myWiFi = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
    # this 3 second delay worked 100% of the time for me, but you might need longer.
    time.sleep(3) # wait for connection before trying to set the time
    print("Connected to", WIFI_NETWORK)
    ntptime.settime()	# this queries the time from an NTP server and sets RTC
# program start
getNTPtime() # set the RTC
mytime = time.localtime(time.time() + timezone) # get time from RTC

# Main loop
    myhours = mytime[3] # store the current hour, so it can be converted to 12 hour time
    if myhours>12:  # converting to 12 hour clock; remove these 2 line if you want 24
        myhours= myhours-12  
    myseconds = mytime[5]  # store the current second so we can tell when it changes
    print("The time is", myhours,":", mytime[4], ":", mytime[5])
    if (mytime[5]%5==0): # every 5 seconds rewrite the time in a new color
        myColor = colors[int(mytime[5]/5)] # change color as minute progresses
        digit0 = int(myhours/10) # get the four individual numbers
        digit1 = int(myhours%10)
        digit2 = int(mytime[4]/10)
        digit3 = int(mytime[4]%10)
        setNum(digit0, 0)  # put them onto the display
        setNum(digit1, 1)
        setNum(digit2, 2)
        setNum(digit3, 3)
    setColon(1) # blink the colon on for 1/2 sec
    setColon(0) # blink colon off for the remaining 1/2 sec
    while (mytime[5] == myseconds):  # wait here until the second changes
        mytime = time.localtime(time.time() + timezone)
    if (mytime[3] == 2 and mytime[4] == 2 and mytime[5] == 2): # i.e at 02:02:02 each day
        getNTPtime() # get NTP time again and re-set the RTC
        mytime = time.localtime(time.time() + timezone)


Doug Domke
39 projects • 107 followers
