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Daniel Shirilla

MEGR 3171 Lake Data Project

Team 19 (Daniel Shirilla, Dylan McClintock, River Issacsson-Savela)

BeginnerWork in progress4 hours93
MEGR 3171 Lake Data Project

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Argon
Rotary Encoder with Push-Button
Rotary Encoder with Push-Button
Adafruit Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor
Adafruit Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor
Hall Effect Position Sensor, 4.5 to 24 Vdc
Hall Effect Position Sensor, 4.5 to 24 Vdc
I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD Display Module
DFRobot I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD Display Module
Gravity: Digital 5A Relay Module
DFRobot Gravity: Digital 5A Relay Module
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary


Read more

Custom parts and enclosures

Rotary Encoder Wheel STL

Rotary Encoder Wheel Autodesk Inventor File


Sensor Argon Schematic

Irrigation System Argon Schematic

LCD Argon Schematic


Sensor Argon Code

#include <JsonParserGeneratorRK.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DS18.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <string>

// Variables for temperature reading
DS18 sensor(D2);
char temp[32];
float current_temp = 0;
float previous_temp = 0;
int tempcounter = 0;

//Variables for boat lift position
int BL = D4;
int lift_state = 2;//Set to arbitrary numbers to begin if statement in void boatlift
int prev_lift_state = 3;//Same as lift_state

// Variables for lake level reading
int CLK = D0;
int DT = D1;
int PrevCLKState;
int CLKState;
int counter = 0;
float Lake_level;
float Wheel_Dia = 0.5;
float lake_level_offset=97.4;
int irrigation_cutoff = 96;
int k;
float rounded_lake;
String string_lake = "";
String rounded_string_lake = "";
void setup()
    pinMode(BL, INPUT);
    pinMode(CLK, INPUT);
    pinMode(DT, INPUT);
    PrevCLKState = digitalRead(CLK);
    //This If else ststement checks the initial lake level offset and publishes if the lake lavel is OK for irrigation or below the irrigation cutoff
    Lake_level = lake_level_offset;  //Converts rotary encoder position into lake level (ft)
    string_lake = String(Lake_level);
    if(lake_level_offset >= irrigation_cutoff)
        Particle.publish("Lake Level OK", PRIVATE);
        k = 0;
        Particle.publish("Lake Level Too Low", PRIVATE);
        k = 1;

    //Initializing some particle variables (not really used)
    Particle.variable("Temperature", temp);
    Particle.variable("LakeLevel", string_lake);
    Particle.subscribe("Is lake level OK?", lake_ok, "e00fce68d8d3966b6d563d65");

void loop()
    if(tempcounter != 3000000) //300000 Fixes problem with encoder loop not being fast enought to determine directionn of rotation
         encoder(); //Calls encoder sub program to run
    else  //Once 300000 is reahced the temperature will be recorded and irrigstion switch code will run as well
        tempSensor(); //Calls Temperature sensor program to run
        irrigation(); //Calls Irrigation decision program to run
        Particle.publish("Lake Level", string_lake, PRIVATE); //Publishes new lake level as an event
        tempcounter = 0; //resets cycle counter to 0
    tempcounter ++;

//Subprogram to read and publish an event if the boat lift has changed positions
void boatlift()
    lift_state = digitalRead(BL);
    if(lift_state == LOW && lift_state != prev_lift_state)
        Particle.publish("Boat Lift Raised", PRIVATE);
        prev_lift_state = lift_state;
    else if(lift_state == HIGH && lift_state != prev_lift_state)
        Particle.publish("Boat Lift Lowered", PRIVATE);
        prev_lift_state = lift_state;

//Subprogram for lake level (encoder)
void encoder()
    CLKState = digitalRead(CLK); // Reads current state of CLK pin

    if(CLKState != PrevCLKState)//Looks for a change of state
        // CW rotation
        if(digitalRead(DT) != CLKState)//If DT pin lags CLK pin (DT!=CLK) it then must be a CW rotation
            counter --;
        //CCW Rotation
        else //If DT pin leads CLK pin (DT=CLK) it then must be a CCW rotation
            counter ++;  

    PrevCLKState = CLKState;
    Lake_level = (counter * 3.14159 * Wheel_Dia / (20 * 12)) + lake_level_offset;  //Converts rotary encoder position into lake level (ft)
    //string_lake = String(round(Lake_level*10)/10.0); //Converts the lake level floating point value into a string so that it can be used in a particle variable
   // char buffer[4];
    string_lake = String(Lake_level);
    rounded_lake = trunc(Lake_level*100)*.01;
    rounded_string_lake = String(rounded_lake);
    //rounded_string_lake = sprintf("%1.2f", Lake_level);
    //Particle.publish("Rounded Lake Level", rounded_string_lake, PRIVATE); //Publishes new lake level as an event
    //Particle.publish("Lake Level", string_lake, PRIVATE);

void irrigation(){
       //Sends a particle publish if the water is too low or OK
    if(Lake_level < irrigation_cutoff && k == 0){
        Particle.publish("Lake Level Too Low",  PRIVATE);
        k = 1;
    if(Lake_level >= irrigation_cutoff && k == 1){
        Particle.publish("Lake Level OK", PRIVATE);
        k = 0;

//Subprogram for temperature reading
void tempSensor()
    if (sensor.read())
        current_temp = sensor.fahrenheit();
        if (abs(current_temp - previous_temp) >=0.05)
            //snprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "Temperature %0.2f", current_temp);
            Particle.publish("Temperature", String(sensor.fahrenheit()),PRIVATE);
            previous_temp = current_temp;
upload_data(Lake_level, current_temp, lift_state);

void lake_ok(const char *event, const char *data)//IDk if it is the const char event line
       //Sends a particle publish if the water is too low or OK
    if(Lake_level < irrigation_cutoff && k == 1)
        Particle.publish("Lake Level Too Low", PRIVATE);
    else if(Lake_level >= irrigation_cutoff && k == 0)
        Particle.publish("Lake Level OK", PRIVATE);

void upload_data(float Lake_level, float current_temp, int lift_state)
    JsonWriterStatic<256> jw;
        JsonWriterAutoObject obj(&jw);
        jw.insertKeyValue("Lift", lift_state);
        jw.insertKeyValue("Temp", current_temp);
        jw.insertKeyValue("Lake", Lake_level);
    Particle.publish("Sensor Values", jw.getBuffer(), PRIVATE);

LCD Argon Code

#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C_Spark.h>

LiquidCrystal_I2C *lcd;

int button = D2;
int button_state;
int  k = 0;

int i = 0;
const char *llevel;
const char *temp;

void setup() 

    pinMode(D2, INPUT);

    Particle.subscribe("Lake Level", level , "e00fce681dc977cc0d02e49d");
    Particle.subscribe("Temperature", temperature , "e00fce681dc977cc0d02e49d");

    lcd = new LiquidCrystal_I2C(0x27, 16, 2);


    lcd->setCursor(0 ,0 );
    lcd->setCursor(12 ,0 );
    lcd->setCursor(0 ,1 );
    lcd->setCursor(12 ,1 );

void loop() 

    button_state = digitalRead(D2);

    if(button_state == LOW && k == 0)
            Particle.publish("Manual Irrigation Cancelation", PRIVATE);
            k = 1;
            lcd->setCursor(15 ,0 );

    else if(button_state == LOW && k == 1)
            Particle.publish("Manual Irrigation Resume", PRIVATE);
            k = 0;
            lcd->setCursor(15 ,0 );

void level(const char *event, const char *data)

    lcd->setCursor(0 ,0 );
   // lcd->print("Lake");
    lcd->setCursor(6 ,0);
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

void temperature(const char *event2, const char *data)

    lcd->setCursor(6 ,1 );
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

Sprinkler Relay Argon Code

void setup() {
    Particle.subscribe("Lake Level Too Low", irrigationoff , "e00fce681dc977cc0d02e49d");
    Particle.subscribe("Lake Level OK", irrigationon , "e00fce681dc977cc0d02e49d");
    pinMode(D0, OUTPUT);
    Particle.publish("Is lake level OK?");

void irrigationoff(const char *event, const char *data)

void irrigationon(const char *event, const char *data)

void loop() {



Daniel Shirilla
1 project • 0 followers


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