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Aradhana Duppala
Created October 18, 2018

Coffee Quiz

Caffeinate yourself and your friend with Coffee Quiz alexa skill. Use echo buttons to challenge your friend and have fun.


Things used in this project

Hardware components

Echo Dot
Amazon Alexa Echo Dot

Software apps and online services

AWS Lambda
Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda


Read more


Interatction Model



"use strict";
 * Copyright 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Amazon Software License (the "License").
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * A copy of the License is located at
 * http://aws.amazon.com/asl/
 * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
 * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.

const animations = require('../utils/animations.js');

 * Settings file
 * Use this file to configure the behavior of your trivia game
module.exports = (function () {
   * APP_ID:
   *  The skill ID to be matched against requests for confirmation.
   *  It helps protect against spamming your skill.
   *  Replace this with the value of your skill ID to enable this protection.
  const APP_ID = '';

   * GAME - Game settings
   *      MAX_PLAYERS - A number between 2 and 4
   *      QUESTIONS - The total number of questions you will ask per game. Must be
   *          less than or equal to the total number of questions in config/questions.js
   *      QUESTIONS_PER_ROUND - Number of questions you want to ask before giving a game summary.
   *          Should divide evenly into the total number of questions.
   *      ANSWER_SIMILARITY - A percentage value marking how similar an answer need to be to the
   *          correct answer to be considered correct. Used with the string-similarity package
   *          See github readme for setup instructions
   *      MAX_ANSWERS_PER_QUESTION - Maximum number of answers allowed for each question.
   *      SHUFFLE_QUESTIONS - if enabled, questions are presented in randomized order, otherwise
   *          each question is presented in the same answer as they are listed in the questions file.
   *      NOTIFY_CORRECT_ANSWER - if enabled Alexa will let the players know what the correct answer
   *          was if everyone has answered incorrectly
  const GAME_OPTIONS = {

   * ROLLCALL - Control how players register themselves for the game
   *      QUICK_START
   *          Allows for all buttons up to GAME.MAX_PLAYERS to press their buttons during
   *          roll call before the skill will decide they are registered
   *          On each button press up to GAME.MAX_PLAYERS, acknowledge the button press
   *          and call the player out by name
    QUICK_START: false,

   *  The name of the table in DynamoDB where you want to store session and game data.
   *  You can leave this empty if you do not wish to use DynamoDB to automatically
   *  store game data between sessions after each request.
  const STORAGE = {
    // Session persistence
    SESSION_TABLE: 'better-with-buttons-trivia'

   * COLORS - Change the behavior and colors of the buttons
   *      QUESTION_COLOR - The color the buttons will be when a question is asked.
   *          This is the signal to the users that they should buzz in
   *      BUZZ_IN_COLOR - The color to change the buttons to when someone buzzes in
   *      MISSED_BUZZ_IN - This is the color other buttons will turn when the first player
   *          buzzes in. In this case 'black' is off
   *      INCORRECT_COLOR - The color the button will blink when a player gets a question correct
   *      CORRECT_COLOR - The color a button will blink when the answering player gets the question
   *          correct.
  const COLORS = Object.freeze({
    // Color you want the buttons to be when expecting input
    QUESTION_COLOR: 'purple',
    // Color you want the first button to chime in to be
    BUZZ_IN_COLOR: 'blue',
    // Color you want the other buttons who didn't chime in
    MISSED_BUZZ_IN: 'black',
    // Incorrect answer color
    // Correct color
    CORRECT_COLOR: 'green',
    // Exit color
    EXIT_COLOR: 'white'

   * AUDIO - Links to sound effects used in the game
   *          Once all players have buzzed in, play this sound
   *          A ticking sound used to indicate that the skill is waiting for a button press
   *      BUZZ_IN_AUDIO
   *          The sound to play when a user 'buzzes in' and is ready to answer a question
   *          A sound effect to play when the users answer correctly
   *          The sound effect to play when a user answers incorrectly
  const AUDIO = Object.freeze({
    WAITING_FOR_ROLL_CALL_AUDIO: "<audio src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/ask-soundlibrary/ui/gameshow/amzn_ui_sfx_gameshow_countdown_loop_32s_full_01.mp3'/>",
    ROLL_CALL_COMPLETE: "<audio src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/ask-soundlibrary/ui/gameshow/amzn_ui_sfx_gameshow_intro_01.mp3'/>",
    WAITING_FOR_BUZZ_IN_AUDIO: "<audio src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/ask-soundlibrary/ui/gameshow/amzn_ui_sfx_gameshow_waiting_loop_30s_01.mp3'/>",
    BUZZ_IN_AUDIO: "<audio src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/ask-soundlibrary/ui/gameshow/amzn_ui_sfx_gameshow_neutral_response_01.mp3'/>",
    CORRECT_ANSWER_AUDIO: "<audio src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/ask-soundlibrary/ui/gameshow/amzn_ui_sfx_gameshow_positive_response_02.mp3'/>",
    INCORRECT_ANSWER_AUDIO: "<audio src='https://s3.amazonaws.com/ask-soundlibrary/ui/gameshow/amzn_ui_sfx_gameshow_negative_response_02.mp3'/>"

   * A set of images to show on backgrounds and in display templates when the skill
   * is used with a device with a screen like the Echo Show or Echo Spot
   * https://developer.amazon.com/docs/custom-skills/display-interface-reference.html
   * The skill template chooses images randomly from each array to provide some
   * variety for the user.
  const IMAGES = Object.freeze({

   * ANIMATIONS - set up light animations that will be used throughout the game
  const GAME_ANIMATIONS = Object.freeze({
    // Intro - Plays when a customer opens a Skill.
    'INTRO_ANIMATION': animations.ComplexAnimations
      .SpectrumAnimation(10, ["red", "orange", "yellow"]),

    // ** Pre-Roll Call Animation - Buttons that are connected light up.
    'PRE_ROLL_CALL_ANIMATION': animations.BasicAnimations
      .FadeInAnimation(1, "white", 40000),

    // ** Pre-Roll Call Animation - Buttons that are connected light up.
    'ROLL_CALL_BUTTON_ADDED_ANIMATION': animations.BasicAnimations
      .SolidAnimation(1, "green", 40000),

    // ** Roll Call Complete Animation - displays on all buttons in play
    'ROLL_CALL_COMPLETE_ANIMATION': animations.ComplexAnimations
      .SpectrumAnimation(6, ['red', 'orange', 'green', 'yellow', 'white']),

    // ** Roll Call Check-In Animation - buttons change state when added via roll call.
    'ROLL_CALL_CHECKIN_ANIMATION': animations.BasicAnimations
      .SolidAnimation(1, "green", 3000),

    // Buzz In Animation - plays on answering players button
    'BUZZ_IN_ANIMATION': animations.BasicAnimations
      .SolidAnimation(1, COLORS.BUZZ_IN_COLOR, 6000),

    // Buzz In Animation - played for non-answering players buttons
    'BUZZ_IN_OTHER_PLAYERS_ANIMATION': animations.BasicAnimations
      .SolidAnimation(1, 'black', 200),

    // Listen For Answer Animation - played to all buttons after a question is asked
    'LISTEN_FOR_ANSWER_ANIMATION': animations.BasicAnimations
      .SolidAnimation(1, COLORS.QUESTION_COLOR, 26000),

    // Wrong Answer Animation - Player gets something wrong.
    'INCORRECT_ANSWER_ANIMATION': animations.ComplexAnimations
      .AnswerAnimation(COLORS.INCORRECT_COLOR, 'black', 1000),

    // Right Answer Animation - Player gets something right.
    'CORRECT_ANSWER_ANIMATION': animations.ComplexAnimations
      .AnswerAnimation(COLORS.CORRECT_COLOR, 'black', 1000),

    // Exit Animation - plays when the exiting the skill
    'EXIT_ANIMATION': animations.BasicAnimations
      .FadeOutAnimation(1, COLORS.EXIT_COLOR, 1500),

   * Define the different states that this skill can be in. For the Trivia skill,
   * we define ROLLCALL, GAME_LOOP, ROLLCALL_EXIT, and the initial state called
   * START_GAME_STATE (which maps to the initial state).
  const SKILL_STATES = {
    // Start mode performs roll call and button registration.
    // https://developer.amazon.com/docs/gadget-skills/discover-echo-buttons.html

  // return the externally exposed settings object
  return Object.freeze({
    pickRandom(arry) {
      if (Array.isArray(arry)) {
        return arry[Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(arry.length))]
      return arry;


 * Copyright 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. and its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the Amazon Software License (the "License").
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * A copy of the License is located at
 * http://aws.amazon.com/asl/
 * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed
 * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.
'use strict';

const questions = require('./questions');
const settings = require('./settings');
const GAME_TITLE = 'Coffee quiz Trivia';
const GAME_TITLE_GERMAN = 'Besser mit Buttons Trivia';

const messages = {
  en: {
    translation: {
      'QUESTIONS': questions.questions_en_US,
      'GENERAL_HELP': {
        outputSpeech: 'To get started just ask me to play a game. ' +
          'What would you like to do? ',
        reprompt: "Sorry, I didn't catch that, what would you like to do next?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + ' - Help',
        displayText: 'This is a trivia game for the Echo Buttons. ' +
          'To get started just ask me to play a game.'
        outputSpeech: "Sorry, I didn't get that. Please say again!",
        reprompt: "Please say it again. You can ask for help if you're not sure what to do."
      'GOOD_BYE': {
        outputSpeech: "Ok, see you next time!",
        reprompt: ''

      //--------------------  Start Game Related Prompts -------------------------------------------
      'START_GAME': {
        outputSpeech: "Welcome to " + GAME_TITLE + ". This game supports up to " +
          settings.GAME.MAX_PLAYERS + " players. " +
          "How many players are there?",
        reprompt: "How many players?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Welcome",
        displayText: "Welcome to " + GAME_TITLE + ". This game supports up to " +
          settings.GAME.MAX_PLAYERS + " players."
      'RESUME_GAME': {
        outputSpeech: 'Ok, we will pick up where you left off. ' +
          'How many players will be playing?',
        reprompt: 'How many players?',
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Welcome",
        displayText: "Welcome back!"
        outputSpeech: 'Ok, lets start a new game. How many players will be playing?',
        reprompt: 'How many players?',
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Welcome",
        displayText: "Ok. Let's start a new game!"
      'ASK_TO_RESUME': {
        outputSpeech: "It looks like you have a {{player_count}} player game in progress, " +
          "would you like to resume?",
        reprompt: 'Would you like to resume the last game?',
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Welcome",
        displayText: "You have a {{player_count}} player game in progress."
        outputSpeech: 'Please say a number between one and ' + settings.GAME.MAX_PLAYERS,
        reprompt: 'Please say a number between one and ' + settings.GAME.MAX_PLAYERS
        outputSpeech: ["Fantastic! For single player, pressing Echo button is not needed. Are you ready to start the game?"],
        reprompt: "Ready to start the game?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Welcome",
        displayText: "Are you ready to start the game?"

      //--------------------  Roll Call Related Prompts -------------------------------------------
      'ROLL_CALL_HELP': {
        outputSpeech: 'This is a trivia game for Echo Buttons. ' +
          'In order to play a multi-player game, each player must check in by ' +
          'pressing an Echo Button. For single player, pressing an Echo button is not needed. Would you like to continue and ' +
          'check players in for the game?',
        reprompt: "Sorry, I didn't catch that, what would you like to do next?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + ' - Help',
        displayText: 'In order to play the game, each player must check in by ' +
          'pressing an Echo Button. Would you like to continue?'
        outputSpeech: "Ok. Players, press your buttons now, " +
          "so I'll know which buttons you will be using.",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Welcome",
        displayText: "To resume the game, each player, please press your button once!"
        outputSpeech: "<say-as interpret-as='interjection'>uh oh</say-as>, " +
          "looks like times up and I haven't heard from all players. " +
          "Did you want to continue?",
        reprompt: "should we continue?"
        outputSpeech: "To resume the game, each player, please press your button once!",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Welcome",
        displayText: "To resume the game, each player, please press your button once!"
        outputSpeech: ["Great! We can start the game. Are you ready?",
        "Awesome. All players registered. Are you ready to start the game?"],
        reprompt: "Ready to start the game?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Welcome",
        displayText: "Are you ready to start the game?"
        outputSpeech: "Hello, player {{player_number}}. "
        outputSpeech: "Ok, your turn Player {{player_number}}, press your button."

      //--------------------  Game Play Related Prompts -------------------------------------------
        outputSpeech: "Ok, see you next time! " +
          "We'll save this game for later if you'd like to resume",
        reprompt: '',
        displayText: "See you next time!",
        displayTitle: "Thanks for playing!"
        outputSpeech: "The game is finished. Let's hear the final scores."
        outputSpeech: "The game is finished. Let's hear your final score."
      'GAME_FINISHED': {
        outputSpeech: "Thanks for playing",
        reprompt: '',
        displayText: "See you next time!",
        displayTitle: "Thanks for playing!"
        outputSpeech: "Ok! Let's start the game!"
        outputSpeech: "Alright. Let's try another question."
        outputSpeech: "Alright. That was the last question."
        outputSpeech: "Ok! Let's keep going. " +
          "We are on question {{current_question}}!"
        outputSpeech: "I didn't hear any presses. Would you like to keep playing?",
        reprompt: "Would you like to keep playing?"
        outputSpeech: "Ok, player {{player_number}}, what's the answer?",
        reprompt: "Player {{player_number}}, are you there?"
        outputSpeech: "Correct! Great job player {{player_number}}."
        outputSpeech: "Sorry, wrong answer player {{player_number}}."
        outputSpeech: "Sorry, wrong answer player {{player_number}}. " +
          "Let's try another question."
        outputSpeech: "Correct! Great job."
        outputSpeech: "Sorry, wrong answer."
        outputSpeech: "The correct answer was {{correct_answer}}."
        outputSpeech: "Sorry, I didn't get that. Please say again!",
        reprompt: "Please repeat the answer."
        outputSpeech: "<say-as interpret-as='interjection'>now now</say-as>" +
          "<break time='1s'/>Press your button to answer the question!"
        outputSpeech: "I haven't asked the question yet! Wait for me to ask, then " +
          "press your button if you know the answer! Are you ready?",
        reprompt: "Are you ready to play?"
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Question {{question_number}}"
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Player {{player_number}}",
        displayText: ["Great job! That's right.",
        "Awesome! That's the answer.",
        "Correct! You got it."]
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Player {{player_number}}",
        displayText: ["Opps! That's not right.",
        "Oh no! That's not the answer.",
        "No, that's not it!"]
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE,
        displayText: ["Great job! That's right.",
        "Awesome! That's the answer.",
        "Correct! You got it."]
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE,
        displayText: ["Opps! That's not right.",
        "Oh no! That's not the answer.",
        "No, that's not it!"]
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - New Game",
        displayText: "Get ready to start!"
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Resume Game",
        displayText: "Get ready to start!"
      'GAME_PLAY_HELP': {
        outputSpeech: 'This is a trivia game for Echo Buttons. ' +
          'During the game, I will ask one question at a time. ' +
          'If you know the answer, press your button for a chance ' +
          'to answer. You will earn a point for each question you ' +
          'answer correctly. Would you like to continue to play? ',
        reprompt: "Sorry, I didn't catch that, what would you like to do next?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE + " - Help",
        displayText: 'During the game, I will ask one question at a time. ' +
          'If you know the answer, press your button for a chance ' +
          'to answer. You will earn a point for each question you ' +
          'answer correctly.'

      //--------------------  Round Summary Related Prompts -------------------------------------
        outputSpeech: "After the <say-as interpret-as='ordinal'>{{round}}</say-as> round."
        outputSpeech: "Let's continue!"

      //--------------------  Scoring Related Prompts -------------------------------------------
        outputSpeech: "It's a tie! With no correct answers. Can you do better?"
        outputSpeech: "It's a tie! With a single correct answer. What a game!"
        outputSpeech: "It's a tie! With {{answer_count}} correct answers. What a game!"

        outputSpeech: "You haven't answered any questions correctly"
        outputSpeech: "You answered a single question correctly"
        outputSpeech: "You have {{answer_count}} correct answers"
        outputSpeech: "In <say-as interpret-as='ordinal'>{{place}}</say-as> place, " +
          " {{score_details}}"

  // To override by territory follow the below pattern
  // For additional information on translations and formatting messages see https://www.i18next.com/
  'en-US': {
    translation: {
        outputSpeech: "Let's continue!"
  'en-GB': {
    translation: {
      'QUESTIONS': questions.questions_en_GB,
        outputSpeech: "Onward!"
  de: {
    translation: {
      'QUESTIONS': questions.questions_de_DE,
      'GENERAL_HELP': {
        outputSpeech: 'Um zu starten, bittet mich einfach, ein Spiel zu spielen.  Was würdet ihr gerne tun? ',
        reprompt: "Das habe ich leider nicht verstanden. Was wollt ihr jetzt tun?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + ' - Hilfe',
        displayText: 'Dies ist ein Trivia-Spiel für die Echo Buttons.  Um zu starten, bittet mich einfach, ein Spiel zu spielen.'
        outputSpeech: "Das habe ich leider nicht verstanden. Bitte sag das noch einmal!",
        reprompt: "Bitte sag das noch einmal. Du kannst um Hilfe bitten, wenn du nicht genau weißt, was zu tun ist."
      'GOOD_BYE': {
        outputSpeech: "OK, bis zum nächsten Mal!",
        reprompt: ''

      //--------------------  Start Game Related Prompts -------------------------------------------
      'START_GAME': {
        outputSpeech: "Willkommen bei " + GAME_TITLE +
          " . Dieses Spiel unterstützt bis zu " + settings.GAME.MAX_PLAYERS +
          " Spieler.  Wie viele Spieler seid ihr?",
        reprompt: "Wie viele Spieler?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Willkommen",
        displayText: "Willkommen bei " + GAME_TITLE +
          ". Dieses Spiel unterstützt bis zu " + settings.GAME.MAX_PLAYERS +
          " Spieler."
      'RESUME_GAME': {
        outputSpeech: 'OK, wir machen dann da weiter, wo ihr aufgehört habt.  Wie viele Spieler sind dabei?',
        reprompt: 'Wie viele Spieler?',
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Willkommen",
        displayText: "Willkommen zurück."
        outputSpeech: 'OK, lasst uns ein neues Spiel starten. Wie viele Spieler sind dabei?',
        reprompt: 'Wie viele Spieler?',
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Willkommen",
        displayText: "OK, lasst uns ein neues Spiel starten."
      'ASK_TO_RESUME': {
        outputSpeech: "Ihr habt anscheinend bereits ein Spiel für {{player_count}} Spieler begonnen. Wollt ihr das Spiel fortsetzen?",
        reprompt: 'Möchtet ihr das letzte Spiel fortsetzen?',
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Willkommen",
        displayText: "Ihr habt bereits ein Spiel für {{player_count}} Spieler begonnen."
        outputSpeech: 'Bitte nenn eine Zahl zwischen eins und ' + settings.GAME.MAX_PLAYERS,
        reprompt: 'Bitte nenn eine Zahl zwischen eins und ' + settings.GAME.MAX_PLAYERS
        outputSpeech: ["Fantastisch! Seid ihr bereit, das Spiel zu starten?"],
        reprompt: "Alles bereit, um das Spiel zu starten?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Willkommen",
        displayText: "Seid ihr bereit, das Spiel zu starten?"

      //--------------------  Roll Call Related Prompts -------------------------------------------
      'ROLL_CALL_HELP': {
        outputSpeech: 'Dies ist ein Trivia-Spiel für Echo Buttons.  Für das Spiel muss jeder Spieler sich zuerst anmelden, indem er einen Echo Button drückt. Möchtet ihr mit dem Spiel fortfahren und Spieler für das Spiel anmelden?',
        reprompt: "Das habe ich leider nicht verstanden. Was wollt ihr jetzt tun?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + ' - Hilfe',
        displayText: 'Für das Spiel muss jeder Spieler sich zuerst anmelden, indem er einen Echo Button drückt. Wollt ihr fortfahren?'
        outputSpeech: "OK. Spieler, drückt bitte jetzt auf eure Buttons, damit ich weiß, welche Buttons ihr benutzt.",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Willkommen",
        displayText: "Jeder Spieler drückt bitte einmal auf seinen Button, um das Spiel fortzusetzen!"
        outputSpeech: "<say-as interpret-as='interjection'>Oh je</say-as>, " +
          ", jetzt ist die Zeit abgelaufen und ich habe noch nicht von allen Spielern eine Antwort gehört.  Wollt ihr fortfahren?",
        reprompt: "sollen wir fortfahren?"
        outputSpeech: "Jeder Spieler drückt bitte einmal auf seinen Button, um das Spiel fortzusetzen!",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Willkommen",
        displayText: "Jeder Spieler drückt bitte einmal auf seinen Button, um das Spiel fortzusetzen!"
        outputSpeech: ["Super! Wir können mit dem Spiel beginnen. Seid ihr bereit?",
        "Toll. Alle Spieler wurden registriert. Seid ihr bereit, das Spiel zu starten?"],
        reprompt: "Alles bereit, um das Spiel zu starten?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Willkommen",
        displayText: "Seid ihr bereit, das Spiel zu starten?"
        outputSpeech: "Hallo, Spieler {{player_number}}. "
        outputSpeech: "OK, du bist dran Spieler {{player_number}}, drück deinen Button."

      //--------------------  Game Play Related Prompts -------------------------------------------
        outputSpeech: "OK, bis zum nächsten Mal!  Ich speichere das Spiel für später, falls ihr es fortsetzen wollt",
        reprompt: '',
        displayText: "Bis zum nächsten Mal!",
        displayTitle: "Vielen Dank, dass ihr gespielt habt!"
        outputSpeech: "Das Spiel ist beendet. Lasst uns die Endergebnisse hören."
        outputSpeech: "Das Spiel ist beendet. Lasst uns eure Endergebnisse hören."
      'GAME_FINISHED': {
        outputSpeech: "Vielen Dank, dass ihr gespielt habt",
        reprompt: '',
        displayText: "Bis zum nächsten Mal!",
        displayTitle: "Vielen Dank, dass ihr gespielt habt!"
        outputSpeech: "OK! Lass uns mit dem Spiel anfangen!"
        outputSpeech: "Alles klar. Lasst es uns mit einer anderen Frage versuchen."
        outputSpeech: "Alles klar. Das war die letzte Frage."
        outputSpeech: "OK! Machen wir weiter. Wir sind bei Frage {{current_question}}!"
        outputSpeech: "Ich habe überhaupt keine gedrückten Buttons gehört. Möchtet ihr weiterspielen?",
        reprompt: "Möchtet ihr weiterspielen?"
        outputSpeech: "OK Spieler {{player_number}}, wie lautet deine Antwort?",
        reprompt: "Spieler {{player_number}}, bist du da?"
        outputSpeech: "Korrekt! Toll gemacht, Spieler {{player_number}}."
        outputSpeech: "Das ist leider die falsche Antwort, Spieler {{player_number}}."
        outputSpeech: "Das ist leider die falsche Antwort, Spieler {{player_number}}. " +
          "Lasst es uns mit einer anderen Frage versuchen."
        outputSpeech: "Korrekt! Toll gemacht."
        outputSpeech: "Das ist leider die falsche Antwort."
        outputSpeech: "Die richtige Antwort war {{correct_answer}}."
        outputSpeech: "Das habe ich leider nicht verstanden. Bitte sag das noch einmal!",
        reprompt: "Bitte wiederhole die Antwort."
        outputSpeech: "<say-as interpret-as='interjection'>jetzt jetzt</say-as>" +
          "<break time='1s'/>Drücke deinen Button, um die Frage zu beantworten!"
        outputSpeech: "Ich habe die Frage noch gar nicht gestellt! Warte, dass ich die Frage stelle, und drücke dann deinen Button, falls du die Antwort kennst! Seid ihr bereit?",
        reprompt: "Seid ihr bereit für das Spiel?"
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Frage {{question_number}}"
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Spieler {{player_number}}",
        displayText: ["Toll gemacht! Das ist richtig.",
        "Toll! Das ist die Antwort.",
        "Korrekt! Du hast es erraten."]
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Spieler {{player_number}}",
        displayText: ["Hoppla! Das ist nicht richtig.",
        "Oh nein! Das ist nicht die Antwort.",
        "Nein, das ist es nicht!"]
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN,
        displayText: ["Toll gemacht! Das ist richtig.",
        "Toll! Das ist die Antwort.",
        "Korrekt! Du hast es erraten."]
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN,
        displayText: ["Hoppla! Das ist nicht richtig.",
        "Oh nein! Das ist nicht die Antwort.",
        "Nein, das ist es nicht!"]
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Neues Spiel",
        displayText: "Macht euch zum Start fertig!"
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Spiel fortsetzen",
        displayText: "Macht euch zum Start fertig!"
      'GAME_PLAY_HELP': {
        outputSpeech: 'Dies ist ein Trivia-Spiel für Echo Buttons. Während des Spiels stelle ich jeweils eine Frage.  Falls du die Antwort kennst, dann drücke deinen Button, um antworten zu können. Ihr erhaltet einen Punkt für jede Frage, die korrekt beantwortet wird. Möchtet ihr mit dem Spiel fortfahren? ',
        reprompt: "Das habe ich leider nicht verstanden. Was wollt ihr jetzt tun?",
        displayTitle: GAME_TITLE_GERMAN + " - Hilfe",
        displayText: 'Während des Spiels stelle ich jeweils eine Frage.  Falls du die Antwort kennst, dann drücke deinen Button, um antworten zu können. Ihr erhaltet einen Punkt für jede Frage, die korrekt beantwortet wird. Möchtet ihr mit dem Spiel fortfahren? '

      //--------------------  Round Summary Related Prompts -------------------------------------
        outputSpeech: "Nach der <say-as interpret-as='ordinal'>{{round}}</say-as> Runde."
        outputSpeech: "Lasst uns fortfahren!"

      //--------------------  Scoring Related Prompts -------------------------------------------
        outputSpeech: "Das Spiel ist unentschieden! Ohne korrekte Antworten. Kriegt ihr das besser hin?"
        outputSpeech: "Das Spiel ist unentschieden! Mit einer korrekten Antwort. Was für ein Spiel!"
        outputSpeech: "Das Spiel ist unentschieden! Mit {{answer_count}} korrekten Antworten. Was für ein Spiel!"

        outputSpeech: "Ihr habt noch keine Frage korrekt beantwortet"
        outputSpeech: "Ihr habt eine einzige Frage korrekt beantwortet"
        outputSpeech: "Ihr habt {{answer_count}} korrekte Antworten"
        outputSpeech: "An <say-as interpret-as='ordinal'>{{place}}</say-as> Stelle, " +
          " {{score_details}}"

module.exports = messages;


Aradhana Duppala

Aradhana Duppala

3 projects • 4 followers
