Getting Started Guide for managed code (C#)
After completing the tutorial above you should be able to compile a nanoFramework application. Most of the ESP32 IDF libraries are already part of the nanoFramework operating system but if you want to expand the operating system for can generate an Interop library that becomes part of the operating system.
The first step is to setup the nanFramework tool-chain.
You should be able to built the nanoFramework firmware and flash the board with the new firmware congratulations!
The next step is to built an native Interop library using C or C++. The library can include standard header files like #include <file.h>. That means the ESP IDF libraries functions can be called from nanoFramework.
José Simões has written a great Interop tutorial here.
When the tutorial is completed the new NF.AwesomeLib will be a part of the nanoFramework operating system and can be used like any other library in the operating system.
I have written a library named NF.HarwareLib that can be used the same way as the NF.AwesomeLib. The NF.HardwareLib demonstrates how to use the functions in the ESP32 IDF library esp_system, h in nanoFramework.
Download the source code here.
The modified NF_HardwareLib_NF_HardwareLib_ChipInformation.cpp file that will need to be copied into the C:\nanoFramework\nf-interpreter\InteropAssemblies\NF.HardwareLib directory is located here.
If you don't want to setup the nanoFramework tool-chain the firmware that was generated is here.
The file explains how to flash the firmware.
To test the NF.HardwareLib library compile the NF.HardwareLibTest solution.
Oh yeah this is some powerful stuff what will you build?
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