According to the World Health Organiztion, 285 million people are visually impaired.
There are currently very few devices for the blind.
Some examples of devices if you're visually impaired/blind:
- Cane - Cheap, feedback is limited to the length of the cane
- OrCam -Expensive!!! -2,500$ reads things out loud for blind user
Rundown of how this works:
1. Input from sonar goes to Arduino
2. Values from the sonar get mapped to the values that the servo can go (it can only go from 40 degrees to 150 degrees because of how the case fits)
3. The values write to the servo!
What do I have to do to make one?
1. Print off the "Servo_and_Ultrasonic_Holder.stl", "arduino-case_top-ohw-header.stl", and "arduino-case_bottom-holes_fixed.stl"
2. Sand the holes farthest away from the servo mount until the ultrasonic fits well.
3. Place the ultrasonic and 9g servo in. You will need to glue the servo in (I used super glue)
4. Wire!!! (see schematic)
5. Upload Code!!!!!!! (see code)
Future upgrades:
1. Make the device more ergonomic by using a Arduino Nano.
2. Add another Ultrasonic, and average the values to get rid of the spurious values that sometimes occur.
3. Incorporate this design as some sort of wearable.