Carlos AlatorreEliJazmín HernándezAndres SabasAndrea ZGuz
Published © CERN-OHL

Read and spoof masgtripes with MagSpoof V5

MagSpoof V5 is now the whole suite. Able to read through a serial port and emulate with its inbuilt antenna, version 5 is a major update.

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Read and spoof masgtripes with MagSpoof V5

Things used in this project

Hardware components

MagSpoof V5
Electronic Cats MagSpoof V5
Omron Electronic Components LLC Magnetics Stripe reader

Software apps and online services

Serial USB Terminal

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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MagSpoof V5 Arduino code

In this code you can add the card data to be the default one or if you do not want use the serial commands.


Carlos Alatorre

Carlos Alatorre

14 projects • 4 followers
Mechatronic Engineer working on supporting you! An open source user. I'm very curious in almost most of my life areas. Born and raised in MX


2 projects • 1 follower
Jazmín Hernández

Jazmín Hernández

9 projects • 1 follower
Electronics Engineer. Passionate for tech and languages.
Andres Sabas

Andres Sabas

45 projects • 45 followers
Co-Founder of The Inventor's House Hackerspace, DIY, Workaholic
Andrea ZGuz

Andrea ZGuz

9 projects • 2 followers
Electronic Engineer. Support Engineer at Electronic Cats.
