Tempeture is a crucial variable in many process. To help messure it, there are lots of sensors that can fulfill this task. On this one, we are going to use the LM35, and also, we are going to be showing the data in the 7 seg displays
The STM32F103 is a very powerfull controller and is more than capable to manage this task
Step 1: Skills Neededyou will need some basics knowings about:
- Using the Keil IDE or STM32CubeIDE.
- Programming STM32F103.
- Welding.
- Wiring.
1. PCB. I really recommend to use JLCPCB PCB Fabrication Services to order yours.
2. STM32F103 (Microcontroller).
3. 4 digit 7 segments display
4. LM35.
5. 1k, 720 resistors
Step 3: Circuit DiagramHere is the Circuit diagram, it has all the internal conections of the circuit that will allow us to create the PCB design later.
I also attached the PDF of the Schematics so you can see it better.
Step 4: PCB Design and OrderingFor the implementation of a good project we need a reliable assembly for the circuit that makes it up, and there is no better way to do it than with a good PCB.
I suggest JLCPCB:
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