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Not very original but I decided to also build a weather station project. My version is created with a NodeMCU (8266) controller, a BME280 sensor and a Nextion display.
The code connects the 8266 to the local WiFi network, reads the current time from the nearest NTP server and then loops displaying 2 screens on the Nextion display. It refreshes the time after approx. 24 hours.
The 1st page displays the date and time, initially set by the NTP server and the local temperature, humidity and air pressure read by the BME280 sensor.
The 2nd page displays the weather forecast for several cities (as defined in the Sketch) as read from the openweathermap.org website.
The buildThe setup consists of three parts:
- Connect the components
- Edit the Sketch for your setup and preferences and upload it to the ESP8266
- Upload the tft file to the Nextion display with a micro SD card (power off the display, insert the SD card and power on the display)
Edit the Sketch code to setup the ssid and password for your local Wifi network.
Then sign up at openweathermap.org to get your personal api key and paste it into the code. Set the timeZoneoffsetGMT for your local time zone and also the DST (daylight saving time). You can edit the cityIDs string array to display the forecasts for the cities of your preference.
Note: you might need to change the address of the BME280 in the Adafruit_BME280.h library file. It could be either 0x76 or 0x77.
Note #2: I had to disconnect the power to the Nextion display before uploading or else I would get an error message. You might run into that as well.
The Sketch needs these libraries:
- Wire.h
- SPI.h
- Adafruit_BME280.h
- ArduinoJson.h
- ESP8266WiFi.h
- WiFiUdp.h
- TimeLib.h
Parts of the Sketch were found on the internet, all credit goes to the creators.
Feel free to use the code for your personal use, not for commercial purposes.
You can contact me at ericBcreator@gmail.com.
* Weather station with a Nextion display, showing date, time, tempe-
* rature, humidity, airpressure and weather forecast using
* openweathermap.org
* Setup used:
* - NodeMCU (8266 microprocessor)
* - BME280 sensor
* - Nextion 3,2" 400x240 display
* Last updated 20171229 by ericBcreator
* This code is free for personal use, not for commercial purposes.
* Please leave this header intact.
* contact: ericBcreator@gmail.com
//#define DEBUG
#define nexSerial Serial1
// include libraries
#include <Wire.h>
#include <SPI.h> // I2C library
#include <Adafruit_BME280.h> // BME280 library
#include <ArduinoJson.h> // https://github.com/bblanchon/ArduinoJson
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> // WiFi library
#include <WiFiUdp.h> // Udp library
#include <TimeLib.h> // Time library
extern "C" {
#include "user_interface.h"
// settings for WiFi connection
char * ssid = "##################"; // WiFi SSID
char * password = "##################"; // WiFi password
unsigned int localPort = 2390; // local port to listen for UDP packets
IPAddress timeServerIP; // IP address of random server
const char* ntpServerName = "pool.ntp.org"; // server pool
byte packetBuffer[48]; // buffer to hold incoming and outgoing packets
int timeZoneoffsetGMT = 3600; // offset from Greenwich Meridan Time
boolean DST = false; // daylight saving time
WiFiUDP clockUDP; // initialize a UDP instance
// settings for the openweathermap connection
// sign up, get your api key and insert it below
char * servername ="api.openweathermap.org"; // remote server with weather info
String APIKEY = "################################"; // personal api key for retrieving the weather data
const int httpPort = 80;
String result;
int cityIDLoop = 0;
// a list of cities you want to display the forecast for
// get the ID at https://openweathermap.org/
// type the city, click search and click on the town
// then check the link, like this: https://openweathermap.org/city/5128581
// 5128581 is the ID for New York
String cityIDs[] = {
"2759794", // Amsterdam
"264371", // Athens
"3513090", // Willemstad
"524901", // Moscow
"5128581", // New York
"3369157", // Cape Town
"" // end the list with an empty string
// settings
int startupDelay = 1000; // startup delay
int loopDelay = 3000; // main loop delay between sensor updates
int timeServerDelay = 1000; // delay for the time server to reply
int timeServerPasses = 4; // number of tries to connect to the time server before timing out
int timeServerResyncNumOfLoops = 3000; // number of loops before refreshing the time. one loop takes approx. 28 seconds
int timeServerResyncNumOfLoopsCounter = 0;
boolean timeServerConnected = false; // is set to true when the time is read from the server
int maxForecastLoop = 10; // number of main loops before the forecast is refreshed, looping through all cities
int weatherForecastLoop = 0;
int weatherForecastLoopInc = 1;
int displayStartupDimValue = 30; // startup display backlight level
int displayDimValue = 150; // main display backlight level
int displayDimStep = 1; // dim step
int dimStartupDelay = 50; // delay for fading in
int dimPageDelay = 0; // delay for fading between pages
// initialize variables
int page = 0;
float bmeAltitude = 0;
float bmeHumidity = 0;
float bmePressure = 0;
float bmeTemperature = 0;
String command;
String doubleQuote = "\"\"";
// initialize sensor
Adafruit_BME280 BME; // initialize BME280 over I2C
// initialize timer
os_timer_t secTimer;
void timerDisplayTime(void *pArg) {
// setup
void setup() {
#ifdef DEBUG
printNextionCommand("dims=" + String(0)); // set initial startup backlight value of the Nextion display to 0
printNextionCommand("dim=" + String(0)); // also set the current backlight value to 0
printNextionCommand("page 0");
displayFadeIn(0, displayStartupDimValue, dimStartupDelay);
if (timeServerConnected)
os_timer_setfn(&secTimer, timerDisplayTime, NULL);
if (timeServerConnected)
os_timer_arm(&secTimer, 1000, true);
displayFadeIn(displayStartupDimValue, displayDimValue, dimStartupDelay / 2);
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.println("Starting main loop");
// main loop
void loop() {
if (!timeServerConnected) {
if (timeServerConnected)
os_timer_arm(&secTimer, 1000, true);
if (page == 0) {
if (weatherForecastLoop == maxForecastLoop) {
timeServerResyncNumOfLoopsCounter +=1;
if (timeServerResyncNumOfLoopsCounter == timeServerResyncNumOfLoops) {
timeServerResyncNumOfLoopsCounter = 0;
page = 1;
weatherForecastLoopInc = -weatherForecastLoopInc;
else if (page == 1) {
if (weatherForecastLoop == 0) {
page = 0;
#if !defined (DEBUG_NO_PAGE_FADE)
displayFadeOut(displayDimValue, dimPageDelay);
printNextionCommand("page 0");
#if !defined (DEBUG_NO_PAGE_FADE)
displayFadeIn(0, displayDimValue, dimPageDelay);
weatherForecastLoopInc = -weatherForecastLoopInc;
weatherForecastLoop += weatherForecastLoopInc;
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
Serial.print(" ");
// functions
void displayBMESensor() {
bmePressure = BME.readPressure() / 100;
bmeHumidity = BME.readHumidity();
bmeTemperature = BME.readTemperature();
//bmpAltitude = BME.readAltitude(102450);
if (bmePressure < 1000)
command = "bmppressure.txt=\" " + String(bmePressure) + "\"";
command = "bmppressure.txt=\"" + String(bmePressure) + "\"";
command = "humidity.txt=\"" + String(bmeHumidity) + "\"";
command = "temperature.txt=\"" + String(bmeTemperature, 1) + "\"";
//command = "bmpaltitude.txt=\"" + String(bmpAltitude,1) + "\"";
void displayDate() {
time_t t = now();
command = "date.txt=\"" + String(day(t)) + " " + monthAsString(month(t)) + "\"";
command = "year.txt=\"" + String(year(t)) + "\"";
void displayTime() {
time_t t = now();
char timeString[9];
snprintf(timeString, sizeof(timeString), "%02d:%02d:%02d", hour(t), minute(t), second(t));
command = "time.txt=\"" + String(timeString) + "\"";
// Nextion commands
void printNextionCommand (String command) {
void sendToLCD(uint8_t type,String index, String cmd) {
if (type == 1 ) {
else if (type == 2) {
else if (type == 3) {
else if (type ==4 ) {
nexSerial.print("page ");
void endNextionCommand() {
void displayFadeIn(int fromValue, int toValue, int fadeDelay) {
for (int i = fromValue; i <= toValue; i += displayDimStep) {
if (i > toValue)
i = toValue;
printNextionCommand("dim=" + String(i));
void displayFadeOut(int fromValue, int fadeDelay) {
for (int i = fromValue; i >= 0; i -= displayDimStep) {
if (i < 0)
i = 0;
printNextionCommand("dim=" + String(i));
// network functions
void connectToWifi() {
int wifiBlink = 0;
// WiFi.enableSTA(true);
WiFi.begin(ssid, password);
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
if (wifiBlink == 0) {
wifiBlink = 1;
else {
printNextionCommand("wifi_connect.txt=" + doubleQuote);
wifiBlink = 0;
printNextionCommand("wifi_connect.txt=" + doubleQuote);
void getTimeFromServer() {
#ifdef DEBUG
Serial.print("Getting time from server...");
int connectStatus = 0, i = 0;
unsigned long unixTime;
while (i < timeServerPasses && !connectStatus) {
#ifdef DEBUG
printNextionCommand("time.txt=\"get time..\"");
WiFi.hostByName(ntpServerName, timeServerIP);
delay(timeServerDelay / 2);
connectStatus = clockUDP.parsePacket();
printNextionCommand("time.txt=" + doubleQuote);
delay(timeServerDelay / 2);
if (connectStatus) {
#ifdef DEBUG
timeServerConnected = true;
// the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes, or two words, long.
unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);
// the timestamp is in seconds from 1900, add 70 years to get Unixtime
unixTime = (highWord << 16 | lowWord) - 2208988800 + timeZoneoffsetGMT;
if (DST)
unixTime = unixTime + 3600;
else {
#ifdef DEBUG
printNextionCommand("time.txt=" + doubleQuote);
unsigned long sendNTPpacket(IPAddress& address) {
memset(packetBuffer, 0, 48);
packetBuffer[0] = 0b11100011; // LI, Version, Mode
packetBuffer[1] = 0; // Stratum, or type of clock
packetBuffer[2] = 6; // Polling Interval
packetBuffer[3] = 0xEC; // Peer Clock Precision
// 8 bytes of zero for Root Delay & Root Dispersion
packetBuffer[12] = 49;
packetBuffer[13] = 0x4E;
packetBuffer[14] = 49;
packetBuffer[15] = 52;
clockUDP.beginPacket(address, 123); //NTP requests are to port 123
clockUDP.write(packetBuffer, 48);
// get and display weather data
void getWeatherData() //client function to send/receive GET request data.
WiFiClient client;
if (!client.connect(servername, httpPort))
String cityID = cityIDs[cityIDLoop];
if (cityIDs[cityIDLoop] == "")
cityIDLoop = 0;
String url = "/data/2.5/forecast?id=" + cityID + "&units=metric&cnt=1&APPID=" + APIKEY;
//String url = "/data/2.5/weather?id=" + cityID + "&units=metric&cnt=1&APPID=" + APIKEY;
//check weather properties at https://openweathermap.org/current
// This will send the request to the server
client.print(String("GET ") + url + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" + "Host: " + servername + "\r\n" + "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
unsigned long timeout = millis();
while (client.available() == 0) {
if (millis() - timeout > 5000) {
result = "";
// Read all the lines of the reply from server
while(client.available()) {
result = client.readStringUntil('\r');
result.replace('[', ' ');
result.replace(']', ' ');
char jsonArray [result.length()+1];
jsonArray[result.length() + 1] = '\0';
StaticJsonBuffer<1024> json_buf;
JsonObject &root = json_buf.parseObject(jsonArray);
if (!root.success())
nexSerial.println("parseObject() failed");
//check properties forecasts at https://openweathermap.org/forecast5
int weatherID = root["list"]["weather"]["id"];
String tmp0 = root["city"]["name"];
String tmp1 = root["list"]["weather"]["main"];
String tmp2 = root["list"]["weather"]["description"];
float tmp3 = root["list"]["main"]["temp_min"];
float tmp4 = root["list"]["main"]["temp_max"];
float tmp5 = root["list"]["main"]["humidity"];
float tmp6 = root["list"]["clouds"]["all"];
float tmp7 = root["list"]["rain"]["3h"];
float tmp8 = root["list"]["snow"]["3h"];
float tmp9 = root["list"]["wind"]["speed"];
int tmp10 = root["list"]["wind"]["deg"];
float tmp11 = root["list"]["main"]["pressure"];
//String tmp12 = root["list"]["dt_text"]; command = command + tmp12;
#if !defined (DEBUG_NO_PAGE_FADE)
displayFadeOut(displayDimValue, dimPageDelay);
printNextionCommand("page 1");
#if !defined (DEBUG_NO_PAGE_FADE)
displayFadeIn(0, displayDimValue, dimPageDelay );
sendToLCD(1, "city", tmp0);
sendToLCD(1, "description", tmp2);
sendToLCD(1, "humidity", String(tmp5, 0));
sendToLCD(1, "rain", String(tmp7, 1));
sendToLCD(1, "wind_dir", getShortWindDirection(tmp10));
sendToLCD(1, "wind_speed", String(tmp9,1));
sendToLCD(1, "pressure", String(tmp11, 0));
sendToLCD(1, "clouds", String(tmp6, 0));
sendToLCD(1, "temp_min", String(tmp3, 1));
sendToLCD(1, "temp_max", String(tmp4, 1));
//sendToLCD(1, "weather_ID", String(weatherID, 0));
String getWindDirection (int degrees) {
int sector = ((degrees + 11) / 22.5 - 1);
switch (sector) {
case 0: return "north";
case 1: return "nort-northeast";
case 2: return "northeast";
case 3: return "east-northeast";
case 4: return "east";
case 5: return "east-southeast";
case 6: return "southeast";
case 7: return "south-southeast";
case 8: return "south";
case 9: return "south-southwest";
case 10: return "southwest";
case 11: return "west-southwest";
case 12: return "west";
case 13: return "west-northwest";
case 14: return "northwest";
case 15: return "north-northwest";
String getShortWindDirection (int degrees) {
int sector = ((degrees + 11) / 22.5 - 1);
switch (sector) {
case 0: return "N";
case 1: return "NNE";
case 2: return "NE";
case 3: return "ENE";
case 4: return "E";
case 5: return "ESE";
case 6: return "SE";
case 7: return "SSE";
case 8: return "S";
case 9: return "SSW";
case 10: return "SW";
case 11: return "WSW";
case 12: return "W";
case 13: return "WNW";
case 14: return "NW";
case 15: return "NNW";
void setWeatherPicture(int weatherID) {
case 200:
case 201:
case 202:
case 210: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "26"); break; // tstorm1
case 211: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "27"); break; // tstorm2
case 212: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "28"); break; // tstorm3
case 221:
case 230:
case 231:
case 232: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "27"); break; // tstorm2
case 300:
case 301:
case 302:
case 310:
case 311:
case 312:
case 313:
case 314:
case 321: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "15"); break; // rain1
case 500:
case 501: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "15"); break; // rain1
case 502:
case 503:
case 504: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "16"); break; // rain2
case 511:
case 520:
case 521: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "17"); break; // shower1
case 522:
case 531: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "18"); break; // shower2
case 600: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "20"); break; // snow1
case 601: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "22"); break; // snow3
case 602: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "24"); break; // snow5
case 611:
case 612: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "14"); break; // sleet
case 615: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "20"); break; // snow1
case 616: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "22"); break; // snow3
case 620: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "20"); break; // snow1
case 621: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "22"); break; // snow3
case 622: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "24"); break; // snow5
case 701:
case 711:
case 721: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "13"); break; // mist
case 731: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "10"); break; // dunno
case 741: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "11"); break; // fog
case 751:
case 761:
case 762:
case 771:
case 781: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "10"); break; // dunno
case 800: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "25"); break; // sunny
case 801: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "5"); break; // cloud1
case 802: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "7"); break; // cloud3
case 803: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "8"); break; // cloud4
case 804: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "14"); break; // overcast
case 906: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "12"); break; // hail
default: sendToLCD(3, "weatherpic", "10"); break; // dunno
void delayCheckTouch (int delayTime) {
unsigned long startMillis = millis();
while (millis() - startMillis < delayTime) {
String dayAsString(int day) {
switch (day) {
case 1: return "Sunday";
case 2: return "Monday";
case 3: return "Tuesday";
case 4: return "Wednessday";
case 5: return "Thursday";
case 6: return "Friday";
case 7: return "Saturday";
return "" ;
String monthAsString(int month) {
switch (month) {
case 1: return "January";
case 2: return "February";
case 3: return "March";
case 4: return "April";
case 5: return "May";
case 6: return "June";
case 7: return "July";
case 8: return "August";
case 9: return "September";
case 10: return "October";
case 11: return "November";
case 12: return "December";
return "" ;
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