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Eric Tang
Published © MIT

Wild Animal Detecting and Monitoring

This project utilizes the latest AI technique to detect/monitor wild animals and send the information out through Hologram Cellular

IntermediateWork in progress24 hours8,035
Wild Animal Detecting and Monitoring

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless
Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless
Hologram Nova
Hologram Nova
Camera Module
Raspberry Pi Camera Module
PIR Motion Sensor (generic)
PIR Motion Sensor (generic)

Software apps and online services

Microsoft ELL
Hologram Python SDK


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ELL Support For Raspberry Pi Zero

This is the forked branch from Microsoft/ELL in which I hacked through the code to make it support Raspberry Pi Zero

Useful Scripts

useful scripts for the prototype


Eric Tang

Eric Tang

1 project • 4 followers
