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This is a very basic function to take a date and produce the day of the week.
It is intentionally basic in order to be parsed into other sketches for use.
No schematic involved. Simply use the Arduino IDE's serial monitor.
(note, if you use a time module that utilizes a 1 through 7 day of the week value or if the values do not line up, ensure you make the appropriate changes.)
#include <math.h>
Day of the Week calculator
Accurate as far back as September 14, 1752.
In 1752, England was the last country to
skip days (11 days) in order to sync up
calendars as the world finished shifting from
the Julian calendar to the Gregorian calendar.
(Well...technically England was not the last
to change. Russian calendars did not shift to
the Gregorian calendar until 1918, and Greece
shifted in 1923)
Any date entered prior to this shift may
result in incorrect day of the week calculations
Using formula:
DoW value = (d + m + y + (y/4) + c)mod7
d = day
m = month value (as per table below)
y = two digit year
c = century value (as per table below)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| Century | Month | DoW | Value |
| - - - - | - - - - - - - | - - | - - - |
| 20 | Jan/Oct | Sat | 0 |
| 19 | May | Sun | 1 |
| n/a | *Feb/Aug | Mon | 2 |
| 22 | Feb/Mar/Nov | Tue | 3 |
| n/a | Jun | Wed | 4 |
| 21 | Sep/Dec | Thu | 5 |
| n/a | *Jan/Apr/Jul | Fri | 6 |
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Note: For Jan and Feb, if the year is a
leap year, use the *Jan or *Feb. Otherwise
use regular Jan or Feb.
(see Leap Year note below)
When all values are entered into formula
(all values are absolute, so whatever you get
for y/4, drop the decimal), divide by 7.
The remainder (0-6) goes back to the chart
to determine Day of the week.
Leap Year Note:
A leap year is determined true if:
-1- The year is evenly divisible by 4, but not divisible by 100
-2- The year is evenly divisible by 400.
Created by Eric Sitler
int m; // Month Entry
int d; // Day Entry
int yy; // Last 2 digits of the year (ie 2016 would be 16)
int yyyy; // Year Entry
int c; // Century (ie 2016 would be 20)
int mTable; // Month value based on calculation table
int SummedDate; // Add values combined in prep for Mod7 calc
int DoW; // Day of the week value (0-6)
int leap; // Leap Year or not
int cTable; // Century value based on calculation table
void setup()
Serial.println("Day of the week calculator");
Serial.println("Enter date in numbers, mm/dd/yyyy)");
void loop() {
// if there's any serial available, read it
while (Serial.available() > 0)
m = Serial.parseInt();
d = Serial.parseInt();
yyyy = Serial.parseInt();
// Leap Year Calculation
if((fmod(yyyy,4) == 0 && fmod(yyyy,100) != 0) || (fmod(yyyy,400) == 0))
{ leap = 1; }
{ leap = 0; }
// Limit results to year 1900-2299 (to save memory)
while(yyyy > 2299)
{ yyyy = yyyy - 400; }
while(yyyy < 1900)
{ yyyy = yyyy + 400; }
// Calculating century
c = yyyy/100;
// Calculating two digit year
yy = fmod(yyyy, 100);
// Century value based on Table
if(c == 19) { cTable = 1; }
if(c == 20) { cTable = 0; }
if(c == 21) { cTable = 5; }
if(c == 22) { cTable = 3; }
// Jan and Feb calculations affected by leap years
if(m == 1)
{ if(leap == 1) { mTable = 6; }
else { mTable = 0; }}
if(m == 2)
{ if(leap == 1) { mTable = 2; }
else { mTable = 3; }}
// Other months not affected and have set values
if(m == 10) { mTable = 0; }
if(m == 8) { mTable = 2; }
if(m == 3 || m == 11) { mTable = 3; }
if(m == 4 || m == 7) { mTable = 6; }
if(m == 5) { mTable = 1; }
if(m == 6) { mTable = 4; }
if(m == 9 || m == 12) { mTable = 5; }
// Enter the data into the formula
SummedDate = d + mTable + yy + (yy/4) + cTable;
// Find remainder
DoW = fmod(SummedDate,7);
// Output result
Serial.print(" = ");
// Remainder determines day of the week
if(DoW == 0) { Serial.println("Saturday"); }
if(DoW == 1) { Serial.println("Sunday"); }
if(DoW == 2) { Serial.println("Monday"); }
if(DoW == 3) { Serial.println("Tuesday"); }
if(DoW == 4) { Serial.println("Wednesday"); }
if(DoW == 5) { Serial.println("Thursday"); }
if(DoW == 6) { Serial.println("Friday"); }