Written by Dean Reading, 2014
This library turns your Arduino into a seven segment display controller! Use it to easily display numbers on your seven segment display without any additional controllers.
It supports common cathode and common anode displays, and the use of switching transistors. Displays with any number of digits can be used and decimal places are supported.
Here is the image of results:
And the video:
Arduino/sevseg library on 4 digit common anode.
First of allYou need to know, if your segment is common anode or cathode. Then you must write down all that info on some paper by using multi-meter. Third part you need to put your segment on the breadboard and wiring that. My 4-digit segment in this experiment had:
- Top Row 1, a, f, 2, 3, b
- Bottom Row e, d, dp, c, g, 4.
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