This is an assignment for MEGR 3092 Control of Electric Drivetrains at UNC Charlotte. For this assignment a ride on power wheel toy's control system was modified to allow for variable speed. To do so motor controllers and a hall effect pedal with position feedback was used. A demonstration is shown below.
Below is a picture of one the wiring and electronic storage areas for our power wheel. It is located right under the seat right where the motors and batteries are located.
Since this area is small and hard to work in, we also located some of the wiring in the tailgate where it was more accessible to work on the breadboard.
To look more in depth to wiring connections refer to schematic.
After getting the variable speed implemented slew rate traction control was another feature added to our modified Power Wheel. To change the rate to give the best traction control the "Throttle_Rate" variable was changed until the best results were yielded. A demonstration of this is shown below:
Another component of this project is a built in EV logger as well. An Adafruit dashboard was made for these capabilities and can be located here. This dashboard displays voltage in the battery overtime, current being supplied by the battery overtime, throttle position overtime, and motor speed over time, Here is a screenshot:
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