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Lego Battle Alexa Voice Controlled Playground

Kids toy that tries to use as much as possible the Alexa and Lego Mindstorms capabilities to create a robotic voice controlled reality.

IntermediateFull instructions provided8 hours930

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Echo Show (2nd Gen)
Amazon Alexa Echo Show (2nd Gen)
Mindstorms EV3 Programming Brick / Kit
LEGO Mindstorms EV3 Programming Brick / Kit

Software apps and online services

Alexa Skills Kit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Skills Kit
Alexa Voice Service
Amazon Alexa Alexa Voice Service
Alexa Gadgets Toolkit
Amazon Alexa Alexa Gadgets Toolkit

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Ikea STORABO Children
Lego dupplo and normal lego pieces


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Tracker Building Instructions

Tracker Building Instructions. Pictures added that explain how to include color and touch sensor

Color and Touch Sensor Improvements

Color and Touch Sensor Building pictures

Solution Schema

This schema shows the different pieces that compose the solution developed


Lego Battle repository

This is the LEGO MINDSTORMS Voice Challenge project source code The repository is divided into two main folders: - lego that contains the lambda function code, the json model skills and the s3 bucket images - mindstorms that contains the python program to manage all the lego mindstorms Ev3 gadget


1 project • 3 followers
Thanks to Lego Mindstorms Voice Challenge Missions.


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