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Ryan Mack
Published © GPL3+

Alexa/Adruino/Pi Smart Electric Water Heater

Save money on your electric bill using Alexa and some mad IoT skillz. Like a Nest for your water heater.

AdvancedFull instructions provided20 hours5,074
Alexa/Adruino/Pi Smart Electric Water Heater

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Amazon Echo
Amazon Alexa Amazon Echo
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
ESP8266 ESP-01
Espressif ESP8266 ESP-01
Temperature Sensor
Temperature Sensor
ACS712 Current Sensor - 30A
RobotGeek Relay
RobotGeek Relay
30 amp
SunFounder IIC I2C TWI Serial 2004 20x4 LCD Module Shield for Arduino Uno Mega2560
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
3.3v Power Supply
Texas Instruments CD4050 IC Chip
Resistor 4.75k ohm
Resistor 4.75k ohm
Misc Electrical Components
As needed for wiring in to the water heater

Software apps and online services

AWS Lambda
Amazon Web Services AWS Lambda
Visual Studio 2015
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
I used VS2017
Microsoft Azure
Microsoft Azure
Windows 10 IoT Core
Microsoft Windows 10 IoT Core
Auth0 Free Account
Microsoft Visual Studio Code
Add-in for Visual Studio Code

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Mastech MS8217 Autorange Digital Multimeter
Digilent Mastech MS8217 Autorange Digital Multimeter
Misc Electrical Tools
As needed - Wire Stripper, Wire Nuts, etc


Read more


Arduino Schematic

SmartWater Arduino Fritzing

Raspberry Pi Circuit

Raspberry Pi to LCD Fritzing

Visio Flow Diagram

Visio from diagram image


PlatfomIO Arduino Sketch

This is the sketch loaded on the Arduino (It's also in the git repo)
No preview (download only).

SmartWater Solution

Visual Studio SmartWater Solution. C# AWS Lambda, Web Api, IoT Core Background App and supporting libraries.


Ryan Mack

Ryan Mack

2 projects • 7 followers
Enterprise Architect, FPV Drone racing pilot, real pilot, NRA lifetime member, MENSA member and MAKER
