Hexiwear “Blind Trust Beacon” Project
Guiding the blind through subway could be very useful for their safety and their independence. “Hexiwear BTB project uses multiples HBS (Hexiwear Beacon Station) with BLE technology to broadcast geographical localization.
BLE Advertising is a one-way communication method. Beacons that want to be “discovered” can broadcast, or “Advertise” self-contained packets of data in set intervals.
These packets are meant to be collected by devices like smartphones or HBR (Hexiwear Beacon Receivers). HBB, powered by Bluetooth Low Energy, can work together to triangulate a smartphone’s or HBR’s position.
Hexiwear is here to help blind and deaf!
The idea is to used Hexiwear to produce a sound to guide blind people or a vibration for blind and deaf.
Needs: 3 HBS, Smartphone, HBR.