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Gregory Estell

Group 32 MEGR 3171 Automatic AC Damper

A perfectly climate controlled house is a luxury you may not know you needed.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)68
Group 32 MEGR 3171 Automatic AC Damper

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Particle Argon
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Adafruit SHT30 Temperature And Humidity Sensor - Wired Enclosed Shell
Futaba S148 Servo
USB-A to Mini-USB Cable
USB-A to Mini-USB Cable

Software apps and online services

Particle Build Web IDE
Particle Build Web IDE
ThingSpeak API
ThingSpeak API

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Drill / Driver, 20V
Drill / Driver, 20V
DURATOOL Metal Hacksaw of 300mm Blade Length


Read more


Wiring Diagram


Greg's Argon

// Include Thingspeak library
#include <ThingSpeak.h>
// Include Servo Library
#include <Tinker-Servo.h>
// Include Temperature & Humidity Sensor Library
#include <adafruit-sht31.h>
// Clarify which sensor is being used with the sensor library
Adafruit_SHT31 sht31 = Adafruit_SHT31();
// Introduce all the variables used as integers
int roomtemp;
int roomhumidity;
int fahrenheit;
int highertemp;
int higherhumidity;
int ventopen;
int roomtemperature2;
int roomhumidity2;
int vent1;
//Introduce the servo function
Servo myservo; 
//Needed to initialize Thingspeak
TCPClient client;
//Introduce Thingspeak channel number and API key
unsigned long myChannelNumber = 1935369;
const char * myWriteAPIKey = "IE74J8LAV2D2UWDI";

void setup() {
    //Initialize Temperature & Humidity Sensor
    //Assign pin 4 as the servo signal output and assign time delays for the servo
    //Initialize Thingspeak
    //Introduce particle variable roomtemperature1 as the integer value of fahrenheit
    Particle.variable("roomtemperature1", &fahrenheit, INT);
    //Introduce particle variable roomhumidity1 as the integer value of roomhumidity
    Particle.variable("roomhumidity1", &roomhumidity, INT);
    //Subscribe to particle variable roomtemperature2 and store it in function roomtempl
    Particle.subscribe("roomtemperature2", roomtempl);
    //Subscribe to particle variable roomhumidity2 and store it in function roomhumidl
    Particle.subscribe("roomhumidity2", roomhumidl);
    //Initialize serial printing
    //Run function roomtempl
void roomtempl(const char *event, const char *data){
    //convert subscribed "roomtemperature2" string data to integer data
    sscanf(data, "%d", &roomtemperature2);
    //Run function roomhumidl
void roomhumidl(const char *event, const char *data){
    //convert subscribed "roomhumidity2" string data to integer data
    sscanf(data, "%d", &roomhumidity2);

void loop() {
    // Read temperature and store it in roomtemp
    roomtemp = sht31.readTemperature();
    // Read humidity and store it in roomhumidity
    roomhumidity = sht31.readHumidity();
    //Convert temperature roomtemp from celcius to fahrenheit and store it in fahrenheit
    fahrenheit = (roomtemp*1.8)+32;
    //Publish fahrenehit to the particle variable roomtemperature1
    //*Note integer values must be converted to string in order to be printed to the cloud
    Particle.publish("roomtemperature1", String(fahrenheit));
    //Publish roomhumidity to the particle variable roomhumidity1
    //*Note integer values must be converted to string in order to be printed to the cloud
    Particle.publish("roomhumidity1", String(roomhumidity));
    //If the temperature of the local temperature sensor fahrenheit is less than the other
    //temperature sensor roomtemperature2, highertemp=1. Otherwise highertemp=0
    if (fahrenheit > roomtemperature2){
    //If the humidity of the local humidity sensor roomhumidity is greater than the other
    //temperature sensor roomhumidity2, higherhumidity=1. Otherwise higherhumidity=0
    if (roomhumidity < roomhumidity2){
    //Publish highertemp to the particle variable highertemp. This helps with debugging
    Particle.publish("highertemp1", String(highertemp));
    //Publish higherhumidity to the particle variable higherhumidity. This helps with debugging
    Particle.publish("higherhumidity1", String(higherhumidity));
    //if highertemp and higherhumidity=1, then the vent will close. The vent is intstructed
    //to close by myservo.write(120) [**120 means 120 degrees]. Otherwise the vent stays open
    vent1 = highertemp+higherhumidity;
    if (vent1 > 1){
    //Write fahrenheit to Thingspeak field 1
    //Write roomhumidity to Thingspeak field 2
    //Write vent1 to Thingspeak field 3
    //Reset vent1 to zero before the loop begins again
    //delay 10 seconds before the loop restarts


Layne's Argon

// Include Thingspeak library
#include <ThingSpeak.h>
// Include Servo Library
#include <Stepper.h>
// Include Temperature & Humidity Sensor Library
#include <adafruit-sht31.h>
// Clarify which sensor is being used with the sensor library
Adafruit_SHT31 sht31 = Adafruit_SHT31();
// Introduce all the variables used as integers
int roomtemp2;
int roomhumidity2;
int fahrenheit2;
int highertemp2;
int higherhumidity2;
int ventopen;
int roomtemperature1;
int roomhumidity1;
int vent2;
//Introduce the servo function
Servo myservo;
//Needed to initialize Thingspeak
TCPClient client;
//Introduce Thingspeak channel number and API key
unsigned long myChannelNumber = 1935369;
const char * myWriteAPIKey = "IE74J8LAV2D2UWDI";

void setup() {
    //Initialize Temperature & Humidity Sensor
    //Assign pin 4 as the servo signal output and assign time delays for the servo
    //Initialize Thingspeak
    //Introduce particle variable roomtemperature2 as the integer value of fahrenheit2
    Particle.variable("roomtemperature2", &fahrenheit2, INT);
    //Introduce particle variable roomhumidity2 as the integer value of roomhumidity2
    Particle.variable("roomhumidity2", &roomhumidity2, INT);
    //Subscribe to particle variable roomtemperature1 and store it in function roomtempm
    Particle.subscribe("roomtemperature1", roomtempm);
    //Subscribe to particle variable roomhumidity1 and store it in function roomhumidm
    Particle.subscribe("roomhumidity1", roomhumidm);
    //Initialize serial printing
    //Run function roomtempm
void roomtempm(const char *event, const char *data){
    //convert subscribed "roomtemperature1" string data to integer data
    sscanf(data, "%d", &roomtemperature1);
    //Run function roomhumidm
void roomhumidm(const char *event, const char *data){
    //convert subscribed "roomhumidity1" string data to integer data    
    sscanf(data, "%d", &roomhumidity1);

void loop() {
    // Read temperature and store it in roomtemp2
    roomtemp2 = sht31.readTemperature();
    // Read humidity and store it in roomhumidity2
    roomhumidity2 = sht31.readHumidity();
    //Convert temperature roomtemp2 from celcius to fahrenheit and store it in fahrenheit2
    fahrenheit2 = (roomtemp2*1.8)+32;
    //Publish fahrenehit2 to the particle variable roomtemperature2
    //*Note integer values must be converted to string in order to be printed to the cloud
    Particle.publish("roomtemperature2", String(fahrenheit2));
    //Publish roomhumidity2 to the particle variable roomhumidity2
    //*Note integer values must be converted to string in order to be printed to the cloud
    Particle.publish("roomhumidity2", String(roomhumidity2));
    //If the temperature of the local temperature sensor fahrenheit2 is less than the other
    //temperature sensor roomtemperature1, highertemp2=1. Otherwise highertemp2=0
    if (fahrenheit2 > roomtemperature1){
    //If the humidity of the local humidity sensor roomhumidity2 is greater than the other
    //temperature sensor roomhumidity1, higherhumidity2=1. Otherwise higherhumidity2=0
    if (roomhumidity2 < roomhumidity1){
    //Publish highertemp to the particle variable highertemp2. This helps with debugging
    Particle.publish("highertemp2", String(highertemp2));
    //Publish higherhumidity to the particle variable higherhumidity2. This helps with debugging
    Particle.publish("higherhumidity2", String(higherhumidity2));
    //if highertemp2 and higherhumidity2=1, then the vent will close. The vent is intstructed
    //to close by myservo.write(110) [**110 means 110 degrees]. Otherwise the vent stays open
    vent2 = highertemp2+higherhumidity2;
    if (vent2 > 1) {
    //Write fahrenheit2 to Thingspeak field 4
    //Write roomhumidity2 to Thingspeak field 5
    //Write vent2 to Thingspeak field 6
    //Reset vent2 to zero before the loop begins again
    //delay 10 seconds before the loop restarts



Gregory Estell

Gregory Estell

1 project • 1 follower
Thanks to Layne Riggs.
