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Fancy Joystick for Atari 2600, Commodore 64, VIC-20, 128...

Using an analog joystick and Arduino Nano to create a fancy joystick for Atari 2600, Commodore 64, VIC-20, 128...

BeginnerFull instructions provided770
Fancy Joystick for Atari 2600, Commodore 64, VIC-20, 128...

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Nano R3
Arduino Nano R3
General Purpose Transistor NPN
General Purpose Transistor NPN
Modulo Joystick
Modulo Joystick
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
D Sub Connector, DB9
D Sub Connector, DB9
**FEMALE** - joystick connector
Slide Switch
Slide Switch


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Arduino code

I tried to make the code as clear as possible. I also opted for not optimizing the code, leaving it easier to read and understand.
 * Schematics:
 * Joystick port [1] | Arduino Nano/Uno/etc. |
 * ----------------- | --------------------- |
 *    1 up         [NPN]   D2                | [NPN] means one NPN transistor like BC547 (see below)
 *    2 down       [NPN]   D4                |
 *    3 left       [NPN]   D6                |
 *    4 right      [NPN]   D8                |
 *    5 paddle Y     |    (Not Connected)    |
 *    6 fire       [NPN]   D10               |
 *    7 +5v 100mA    |     +5V               |
 *    8 GND          |     GND               |
 *    9 paddle X     |    (Not Connected)    |
 *                   |                       |
 * Analog Joystick   |                       |
 *   (movement)      |                       |
 * ----------------- |                       |
 *     Y axis        |     A0                |
 *     X axis        |     A1                |
 *     Switch        |    (Not Connected [2])|
 *     +5V           |     +5V               |
 *     GND           |     GND               |
 *                   |                       |
 * Momentary switch  |                       |
 *  (fire button)    |                       |
 * ----------------- |                       |
 *     1             |     A2                |
 *     2             |     GND               |
 *                   |                       |
 * switch 2 way [3]  |                       |
 * (autofire on/off) |                       |
 * ----------------- |                       |
 *     1             |     D12               |
 *    COM            |     GND               |
 *     2             |    (Not Connected)    |
 * Notes
 *      Every connection (up, down, left, right, fire) is driven by an NPN transistor (see below)  
 * [2]: at first I connected the analog joystick switch to the other switch, parallel, So there were 
 *      two switches doing the same thing. Ufortunately it didn't work fine for me: it often had 
 *       strange behaviors and returned wrong values to Arduino, so I decided to leave it unconnected.
 * [3]: if you don't need an autofire switch, simply doesn't connect any switch and the autofire 
 *      will be disable by default 
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------     
 * You can't connect the joystick port directly to Arduino, it doesn't work. You need to drive it 
 * using an NPN transistor (I used five BC547) connecting it as shown here. 
 * Note: you must to replicate it for every connection between the joystick port and Arduino;
 *       it means you will need 5 BC547 transistors (2N3904 should be ok too, but I didn't test them)
 *                                         NPN transistor
 * Commodore 64 Joystick pin 1 (UP) ---- ----C-.   .-E-->  -------- GND
 *                                              \ /
 *                                             --B--
 *                                               |
 *  Arduino pin D2 ------------------------------+

//defining where any input and output is connected on the Arduino pins

//analog ports for the analog joystick and the fire button
#define JOY_Y  A1  
#define JOY_X  A0
#define JOY_B  A3

//autofire switch (optional)
#define JOY_AUTOFIRE D12

//digital output, to the C=64 joystick port (through transistor)
#define JOY_UP     D2
#define JOY_DOWN   D4
#define JOY_LEFT   D6
#define JOY_RIGHT  D8
#define JOY_FIRE   D10

int joy_x_value = 0;
int joy_y_value = 0;
int joy_b_value = 0;

int internalledstatus = 0;  //this is just for the Arduino onboard LED (that will blink at every movement of fire)

//declaring the threshold as int value (instead of a #define constant) so we can add a calibration function later
//these values are the thresholds for the X and Y values and the button. You can change them in case your
//joystick doesn't work in some position or the axis or the button activate too soon.
//in the setup() and loop() function there are some code lines you can activate to read these values
//using the serial monitor. Search for "CALIBRATE" inside this code
int joy_x_l_ths = 600;  //low  X threshold
int joy_x_h_ths = 4000; //high X threshold
int joy_y_l_ths = 600;  //low  Y threshold
int joy_y_h_ths = 4000; //high Y threshold
int joy_b_l_ths = 10;  //analog button threshold

//autofire variables
float autofiredelay = millis();
bool autofiretoggle = false;
int  autofirespeed  = 50; //millisec


void setup() { 

  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);      //setting the Arduino LED as an output
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);   //switching the Arduino LED on 
  delay(4000); //before to do anything, just wait some time for the Commodore 64 / VIC-20 boot sequence (without it, the C=64 doesn't boot if the autofire is on... strange...)  
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);  //switching the Arduino LED off so we know when the joystick starts to work
  pinMode(JOY_AUTOFIRE, INPUT_PULLUP);  //the autofire switch 

  //declaring the output pins
  pinMode(JOY_UP     ,OUTPUT);  
  pinMode(JOY_DOWN   ,OUTPUT);
  pinMode(JOY_LEFT   ,OUTPUT);
  pinMode(JOY_RIGHT  ,OUTPUT);
  pinMode(JOY_FIRE   ,OUTPUT);

  //CALIBRATE - activate the following lines, compile and run the Serial Monitor from inside the Arduino IDE (menu Tools -> Serial Monitor or Ctrl+Shift+M)
  //Note: if the Serial Monitor doesn't work (shows garbage, etc.) check the serial speed in the Serial Monitor is set to 115200 
  Serial.println("Start --- ");


void loop() {

  //reading the analog values from the joystick axis and the button
  joy_x_value = analogRead(JOY_X);
  joy_y_value = analogRead(JOY_Y);
  joy_b_value = analogRead(JOY_B);  

  //CALIBRATE - activate the following lines, compile and run the Serial Monitor from inside the Arduino IDE (menu Tools -> Serial Monitor or Ctrl+Shift+M)
  //Note: if the Serial Monitor doesn't work (shows garbage, etc.) check the serial speed in the Serial Monitor is set to 115200 
  Serial.print("-- joy_x_value = "); Serial.print(joy_x_value); 
  Serial.print("-- joy_y_value = "); Serial.print(joy_y_value); 
  Serial.print("-- joy_b_value = "); Serial.print(joy_b_value); 

  //reset the internal led status. It starts with a zero value that will be incremented at any joystick movement or fire.
  //at the end of the loop function, if the value is >0 we will switch the internal led on.
  //NOTE: the internal led is only used as feedback to know the joystick is working.
  internalledstatus = 0;  

  //fire button.  

  //-autofire OFF - begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------\-
  if (digitalRead(JOY_AUTOFIRE) == HIGH) {  
     //if the autofire is off, we just fire if the button is pressed.
     if (joy_b_value < joy_b_l_ths) { digitalWrite(JOY_FIRE ,HIGH) ; internalledstatus++; }   
     else                           { digitalWrite(JOY_FIRE ,LOW); }         
  //-autofire OFF - end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------/-

  //-autofire ON  - begin --------------------------------------------------------------------------\-
  else { 
     if (joy_b_value >=joy_b_l_ths) { digitalWrite(JOY_FIRE ,LOW); autofiretoggle = false; }  //the button is not pressed. 
     else {  //fire button pressed  -- //sequence: ON - 50 millisec - OFF - 50 millisec - ON
          if (!autofiretoggle) {
            if (autofiredelay + autofirespeed < millis()) {  //at least <autofirespeed> milliseconds passed from the last change of status (ON to OFF). Time to switch ON
                autofiretoggle = true;             //at least <autofirespeed> milliseconds passed from the last change of status (was ON to OFF). Time to toggle the switch ON
                autofiredelay = millis();          //resetting the milliseconds counter
                { digitalWrite(JOY_FIRE ,HIGH);   internalledstatus++;  }   //fire ON!
          else {
          if (autofiredelay + autofirespeed < millis()) {   //at least <autofirespeed> milliseconds passed from the last change of status (OFF to ON). Time to switch OFF
                autofiretoggle = false;           //at least <autofirespeed> milliseconds passed from the last change of status (was OFF to ON). Time to toggle the switch OFF 
                autofiredelay = millis();         //resetting the milliseconds counter
                { digitalWrite(JOY_FIRE ,LOW);  }                           //fire OFF!
  //-autofire ON  - end ----------------------------------------------------------------------------/-
  if (joy_y_value < joy_y_l_ths) { digitalWrite(JOY_DOWN ,HIGH); internalledstatus++; } else { digitalWrite(JOY_DOWN ,LOW); }  //the Y value is below the lower  Y threshold, activating the DOWN  movement  
  if (joy_y_value > joy_y_h_ths) { digitalWrite(JOY_UP   ,HIGH); internalledstatus++; } else { digitalWrite(JOY_UP   ,LOW); }  //the Y value is above the higher Y threshold, activating the UP    movement
  if (joy_x_value > joy_x_h_ths) { digitalWrite(JOY_RIGHT,HIGH); internalledstatus++; } else { digitalWrite(JOY_RIGHT,LOW); }  //the X value is below the lower  X threshold, activating the RIGHT movement
  if (joy_x_value < joy_x_l_ths) { digitalWrite(JOY_LEFT ,HIGH); internalledstatus++; } else { digitalWrite(JOY_LEFT ,LOW); }  //the X value is above the higher X threshold, activating the LEFT  movement   

  //if you don't want the internal led blinks, just comment the following line.
  if (internalledstatus > 0)   digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); else digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);   //activating the Arduino internal LED if there was some movement / fire

  delay(50); //some little delay. You can try to remove it and test in your own environment; but in my case the joystick seems to work better (the C=64 is quite slow compared with an Arduino...)




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