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Gleison Storto
Published © CC BY-NC

Video/IMU From Model Rocket To Base-station GUI Via WiFi

Data is gathered from AltIMU-10 (IMU) and Raspicam (Video) by Raspberry Pi Zero W and transmitted via WiFi to a base-station GUI.

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Video/IMU From Model Rocket To Base-station GUI Via WiFi

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Model Rocket
Any rocket big enough to fit a RPi Zero should be enough. Be careful since most starter kits come with pretty small rockets, and it may be difficult to fit everything into it.
Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless
Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless
Project should work with any Raspberry Pi. It seems to be unstable under peaks of acceleration, mine rebooted every single time.
Camera Module
Raspberry Pi Camera Module
Adapter cable is necessary when working with the RPi Zero
Raspberry Pi Zero Camera Adapter
AltIMU-10 v5
Everything except the Altimeter should be compatible with previous versions.
5V/1A+ regulator
Any 5V/1A+ should work. If lower than 1A, RPi may reboot during peaks of consumption.
Any battery compatible with a regulator should work. The easiest for me was to use a 18650 Li-Ion battery with a phone charger regulator. It is probably a good idea to buy a lighter one, since 50g might be too much for a small rocket.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)


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Main project repository

Contains all code linux-arm (RPi) and linux-x86 (base-station)


Gleison Storto
3 projects • 2 followers


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