'use strict';
var Alexa = require('alexa-sdk');
var APP_ID = "amzn1.ask.skill.xxx"; //OPTIONAL: replace with "amzn1.echo-sdk-ams.app.[your-unique-value-here]";
var SKILL_NAME = 'Trump versus Trump';
var FACTS = [
["I wanted to do this for myself. I had to do it for myself.",
"I don't want it for myself. I don't need it for myself. August 18 and November 20, 2015"],
["I'm not a politician.",
"I'm no different than a politician running for office. August 11 and July 28, 2015"],
["If I ever ran for office, I'd do better as a Democrat than as a Republican.",
"I'm a registered Republican. I'm a pretty conservative guy. I'm somewhat liberal on social issues, especially health care. 1990 and 1999"],
["You'd be shocked if I said that in many cases I probably identify more as a Democrat.",
"Look, I'm a Republican. I'm a very conservative guy in many respects I guess in most respects. 2004 and 2015"],
["I've actually been an activist Democrat and Republican.",
"Folks, I'm a conservative, but at this point, who cares? We got to straighten out the country. 1999 and 2016"],
["I'm totally pro-choice.",
"I'm pro-life. 1999 and 2011"],
["Look, I'm very pro-choice.",
"I hate the concept of abortion. I hate it. I hate everything it stands for. October 24, 1999"],
["I just believe in choice. I am strongly for choice.",
"For a woman who has an abortion, there has to be some form of punishment. 1999 and 2016"],
["Look, I'm very pro-choice.",
"I am very, very proud to say that I'm pro-life. October 24, 1999 and August 6, 2015"],
["I think the institution of marriage should be between a man and a woman.",
"If two people dig each other, they dig each other. 2000 and 2005"],
["I think the institution of marriage should be between a man and a woman.",
"It's a legally binding contract that knows nothing of love. 2007 and 2005"],
["If two people dig each other, they dig each other.",
"I'm against gay marriage. 2011 and 2005"],
["If two people dig each other, they dig each other.",
"It's like in golf. A lot of people-I don't want this to sound trivial-but a lot of people are switching to these really long putters, very unattractive. It's weird. You see these great players with these really long putters, because they can't sink three-footers anymore. And I hate it. I am a traditionalist. I have so many fabulous friends who happen to be gay, but I am a traditionalist. 2011 and 2011"],
["It's always good to do things nice and complicated so that nobody can figure it out.",
"The simplest approach is often the most effective. 1997 and 1987"],
["My attention span is short.",
"I have an attention span that's as long as it has to be. 1990 and 2015"],
["I prefer to come to work each day and just see what develops.",
"You can't just sit around waiting for deals, opportunities, or a lucky break. 1987 and 2007"],
["I look at things for the art sake and the beauty sake and for the deal sake.",
"I'm just a fucking businessman. 1988 and 2004"],
["Don't think you're so smart that you can go it alone.",
"You must plan and execute your plan alone. 1990 and 2004"],
["I couldn't be a one-man show.",
"Think of yourself as a one-man army. 1990 and 2004"],
["I surround myself with good people, and then I give myself the luxury of trusting them.",
"My motto is hire the best people, and don't trust them. 1990 and 2007"],
["Surround yourself with people you can trust.",
"People are too trusting. I'm a very untrusting guy. 2004 and 1990"],
["If you have smart people working for you, they'll try to screw you if they think they can do better without you.",
"You know, I know the smart people. I really know the smart people. I deal with the smart people. 2010 and 1999"],
["I'm, like, a really smart person.",
"All I know is what's on the Internet. July 11, 2015 and March 13, 2016"],
["I see no value whatsoever in believing ignorance to be an attribute.",
"I love the poorly educated. 2009 and February 23, 2016"],
["Fortunately, I don't pride myself on being a know-it-all.",
"It would take an hour and a half to learn everything there is to learn about missiles. I think I know most of it anyway. 2004 and 1984"],
["Small talk can be one of the best ways to educate yourself.",
"I can't stand small talk. 2004 and 1987"],
["Stay as close to home as possible. Travel is time-consuming and, in my opinion, boring-especially compared with the fun I have doing deals in my office.",
"There's no excuse for staying home, the world's too fantastic to miss out on it. I wish I could travel more. 1990 and 2004"],
["I can never understand people who say that if they had a lot of money they would spend their time traveling. It's just not my thing.",
"There's no excuse for staying home, the world's too fantastic to miss out on it. I wish I could travel more. 1990 and 2004"],
["Well, I read a lot and over my life, I've read so much.",
"I don't read much. Mostly I read contracts, but usually my lawyers do most of the work. There are too many pages. 2015 and 2014"],
["I don't have a lot of time for listening to television.",
"I actually love watching television. July 28 and February 25, 2015"],
["I'm a thinker, and I have been a thinker. I'm a very deep thinker.",
"The day I realized it can be smart to be shallow was, for me, a deep experience. 2016 and 2004"],
["I really value my reputation and I don't hesitate to sue.",
"I don't mind being criticized. I'll never, ever complain. 1979 and 2015"],
["When someone crosses you, my advice is Get even!",
"If you can avoid an altercation, do so. 2007 and 2004"],
["If someone attacks you, do not hesitate. Go for the jugular.",
"If you can avoid an altercation, do so. 2007 and 2004"],
["I don't want to be provocative, and in many cases I try not to be provocative.",
"I do love provoking people. There is truth to that. 2011 and 2014"],
["Sometimes, part of making a deal is denigrating your competition.",
"If striving for wholeness means diminishing your competition, then your competition wasn't much to begin with. 1987 and 2009"],
["Be tough, be smart, be personable, but don't take things personally.",
"It makes me feel so good to hit sleazebags back. 2015 and 2012"],
["You've gotta be nice.",
"I do believe in hate when it's appropriate. 1997 and 1990"],
["I do believe in hate when it's appropriate.",
"OK, no, I don't hate anybody. I love the media. They're wonderful. 1990 and 2016"],
["I think I am a nice person.",
"I'm no angel. 2015 and 2015"],
["But there is nothing better than having a great marriage, in my opinion. There is nothing more beautiful, and there is nothing more important.",
"You marry for love, but your signature on the marriage certificate is all about rights, duties, and property. It's a legally binding contract that knows nothing of love. 2004 and 2007"],
["I've never been the kind of guy who takes his son out to Central Park to play catch, but I think I'm a good father.",
"I like kids. I mean, I won't do anything to take care of ‘em. I'll supply funds, and she'll take care of the kids. 2004 and 2005"],
["I think I've been a very good husband.",
"What the hell do I know, I've been divorced twice? February 9, 2011 and 2007"],
["I don't have to brag. I don't have to. Believe it or not.",
"I avoid people with especially high opinions of their own abilities or worth. 2015 and 2007"],
["Do not look for approval from others. That is a sure sign of weakness.",
"My hands are fine. You know, my hands are normal. Slightly large, actually. In fact, I buy a slightly smaller than large glove, OK? 2007 and 2016"],
["If I get my name in the paper, if people pay attention, that's what matters. To me, that means it's a success.",
"Publicity gradually dehumanizes you. 2005 and 1990"],
["Everybody kisses your ass when you're hot. If you're not hot, they don't even call. So it's always good to stay hot.",
"I hate people that think they're hot stuff, and they're nothing. 2012 and 2016"],
["Anyone who thinks he's going to win them all is going to wind up a big loser.",
"I win, I win, I always win. In the end I always win, whether it's in golf, whether it's in tennis, whether it's in life, I just always win. And I tell people I always win, because I do. 1990 and 2005"],
["I do whine, because I want to win, and I'm not happy about not winning, and I am a whiner, and I keep whining and whining until I win.",
"Toughness is knowing how to be a gracious winner-and rebounding quickly when you lose. 2015 and 1990"],
["I want to make America great again, and you can't do that if you come in a close second.",
"We finished second, and I want to tell you something: I'm just honored. I'm really honored. 2015 and 2016"],
["I'm, like, a really smart person.",
"All I know is what's on the Internet. 2015 and 2016"],
["You're generally better off sticking with what you know.",
"All I know is what's on the Internet. 1987 and 2016"],
["I see no value whatsoever in believing ignorance to be an attribute.",
"All I know is what's on the Internet. 2009 and 2016"],
["I love the poorly educated.",
"All I know is what's on the Internet. February 23 and 2016"],
["I've cultivated the learning habit over the years, and it's one of the most pleasurable aspects of my life.",
"All I know is what's on the Internet. 2004 and 2016"],
["Fortunately, I don't pride myself on being a know-it-all.",
"All I know is what's on the Internet. 2004 and 2016"],
["Well, I read a lot and over my life, I've read so much.",
"All I know is what's on the Internet. 2015 and 2016"],
["I'm a thinker, and I have been a thinker. I'm a very deep thinker.",
"All I know is what's on the Internet. March 11 and March 13, 2016"],
["Remember that in the best negotiations, everyone wins.",
"You hear lots of people say that a great deal is when both sides win. That is a bunch of crap. 2008 and 2007"],
["When you shake somebody's hand, go with it. It is very important. Shaking hands with someone means you are making a deal.",
"Some business executives believe in a firm handshake. I believe in no handshake. It is a terrible practice. 2007 and 2004"],
["George W. Bush? I like him.",
"Don't talk to me about Bush, I was never a defender or a fan! 1999 and 2013"],
["I like John McCain.",
"I'm not a fan of John McCain. 2013 and 2015"],
["Ron Paul has some serious ideas which deserve serious consideration. Wrong for media to ignore him.",
"He should be ignored. 2011 and 2012"],
["George Pataki is the most underrated guy in American politics.",
"Pataki couldn't be elected dog catcher. 2000 and 2015"],
["I know Hillary and I think she'd make a great president.",
"Hillary will be a disaster as a president. 2008 and 2015"],
["I see NATO as a good thing.",
"I think NATO is obsolete. March 21 and March 27, 2016"],
["Dress the part and act the part. Do not cause any doubt in anybody's mind that you don't know your stuff.",
"Sometimes people will come into my office and they will be great. They will look great, they'll sound great, they dress beautifully, everything is great. Then after you hire them they turn out to be morons. 2007"],
["Mitt Romney is the steady conservative who can restore America's future.",
"He's a jealous fool and not a bright person. He's good looking. Other than that, he's got nothing. 2012 and 2016"],
["Jeb Bush is a good man. He's exactly the kind of political leader this country needs now and will very much need in the future.",
"He's like a lost soul, Jeb Bush. This poor, pathetic, low-energy guy. 2000 and 2016"],
["Barack Obama is a strong guy who really knows what he wants. Here's a man that not only got elected, I think he's doing a really good job.",
"Barack Obama has been the worst president ever. 2009 and 2011"],
["Barack Obama is a strong guy who really knows what he wants.",
"Barack Obama is not who you think he is. 2009 and 2012"],
["Incompetent Hillary doesn't know what she's talking about. She doesn't have a clue. She's made such bad decisions.",
"Hillary Clinton is definitely smart and resilient. 2016 and 2000"],
["In favor of invading Iraq? Yeah, I guess so.",
"The war's a mess. 2002 and 2003"],
["Qadhafi in Libya is killing thousands of people, We should go in, we should stop this guy, which would be very easy and very quick.",
"I never discussed that I was in favor of invading Libya? We would be so much better off if Qadhafi were in charge right now. 2011 and 2016"],
["Angela Merkel is doing a fantastic job. Youth unemployment is at a record low and she has a budget surplus.",
"She's ruining Germany. 2013 and 2015"],
["I'm walking, talking proof of the American Dream. For me, the American Dream is not just a dream, it's a reality.",
"The American Dream is dead. 2004 and 2015"],
["Maybe we Americans pump ourselves up too much.",
"We are the greatest country the world has ever known. 2000 and 2011"],
["I think there are two Donald Trumps.",
"I don't think there are two Donald Trumps. I think there's one Donald Trump. March 11, 2016"],
["I think we've had enough debates.",
"More debate is always better. 2016 and 2011"],
["I mean, my whole life is a debate, but I don't debate.",
"Stop the indecisive internal dialogue before it starts. That is your biggest enemy. 2016 and 2007"],
["Sometimes-not often, but sometimes, less is more.",
"I always say, more is more. 1987 and 2004"],
["New York is a great place. It's got great people. It's got loving people, wonderful people.",
"I know this city. There are some terrible people in this city. 2016 and 2007"],
["Nobody owns me.",
"I'm owned by the people! 1999 and 2015"],
["There's not a team.",
"Yes, there is a team. I'm going to be forming a team. March 8, 2016"],
["Eminent domain is wonderful.",
"I don't like eminent domain. October 6 and November 5, 2016"],
["If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of 'em, would you? Seriously. OK? Just knock the hell, I promise you, I will pay the legal fees, I promise, I promise.",
"I do not condone violence in any shape. 2016"],
["Oh, I believe in polls.",
"I honestly believe those polls are wrong. 2010 and 2015"],
["I believe in positive thinking, but I also believe in the power of negative thinking.",
"I never think of the negative. 1990 and 1983"],
["I never think of the negative.",
"I always go into the deal anticipating the worst. 1983 and 1987"],
["I always go into the deal anticipating the worst.",
"I don't worry about anything. 1983 and 2015"],
["I believe in the power of positive thinking, but I never like to talk about it.",
"I don't think positively, I don't think negatively. 2015 and 2005"],
["I don't worry about anything.",
"But I often think of nuclear war. 2015 and 1999"],
["I'm an environmentalist.",
"Global warming is a total, and very expensive, hoax! 2010 and 2013"],
["I generally oppose gun control, but I support the ban on assault weapons and I support a slightly longer waiting period to purchase a gun.",
"I am the strongest person running in favor of the Second Amendment. 2000 and 2016"],
["My sons love to hunt. They are members of the NRA, very proudly. I am a big believer in the Second Amendment.",
"I'm not a hunter and don't approve of killing animals. I strongly disagree with my sons who are hunters. 2015 and 2012"],
["Millions and millions of women with cervical cancer, breast cancer are helped by Planned Parenthood. So you can say whatever you want, but they have millions of women going through Planned Parenthood that are helped greatly.",
"But Planned Parenthood should absolutely be defunded. I mean, if you look at what's going on with that, it's terrible. 2016 and 2015"],
["I continue to alienate members of the press on occasion, but on the whole, I like them.",
"They are the most dishonest people in the world. The media. They are the worst. They are very dishonest people. They are terrible. 2004 and 2016."],
["They are the most dishonest people in the world. The media. They are the worst. They are very dishonest people. They are terrible.",
"I guess we wouldn't be here, maybe, if it wasn't for the media, so maybe we shouldn't be complaining. April 10, 2016"],
["If you equivocate, it's an indication that you're unsure of yourself and what you're doing.",
"I tend to do what I do. 2004 and 2015"],
["If you equivocate, it's an indication that you're unsure of yourself and what you're doing. It's also what politicians do all the time, and I find it inappropriate, insulting and condescending. I try not to do it.",
"I do it to do it. 2004 and 1987"],
["Define yourself in a big way. We all have self-definitions, give yourself a big definition.",
"I'm Swedish. 2007 and 1976."],
["Define yourself in a big way. We all have self-definitions, give yourself a big definition.",
"I have an organization but it's largely myself. 2007 and 2016"],
["I'm proud to have that German blood. Great stuff.",
"I'm Swedish. 2014 and 1976"],
["I'm not the world's happiest person.",
"I'm a very happy man. 1990 and 2009."]
var EXCLAMATIONS = ["Great", "Amazing", "Incredible", "Dope", "Nice", "Tremendous", "Really Rich","Really Smart","Major","Super Classy","Fantastic","Huge","Terrific","Unbelievable","slightly smaller than large"];
exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) {
var alexa = Alexa.handler(event, context);
alexa.APP_ID = APP_ID;
var handlers = {
'GetFact': function () {
// Get a random space fact from the space facts list
var exclamIndex=Math.floor(Math.random() * EXCLAMATIONS.length);
var exclamIndex2=Math.floor(Math.random() * EXCLAMATIONS.length);
var factIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * FACTS.length);
var randomFact = [FACTS[factIndex][0],FACTS[factIndex][1]];
var Exclam1=EXCLAMATIONS[exclamIndex];
var Exclam2=EXCLAMATIONS[exclamIndex2];
var speechOutput = "Trump versus, Trump <break time=\"1s\"/>"+Exclam1+" Trump said <break time=\"1s\"/>"+randomFact[0]+" <break time=\"1s\"/> But "+Exclam2+" Trump says <break time=\"1s\"/>"+randomFact[1]+"<break time=\"1s\"/> Would you like to hear another one?";
var cardOutput = Exclam1+" Trump said "+randomFact[0]+" But "+Exclam2+" Trump says "+randomFact[1];
var repromptOutput="Would you like to hear another Trump versus Trump quote?";
//this.emit(':tellWithCard', speechOutput, SKILL_NAME, cardOutput);
//this.emit(askWithCard(speechOutput, repromptOutput, SKILL_NAME, cardOutput);
this.emit(':askWithCard', speechOutput, repromptOutput, SKILL_NAME, cardOutput);
'LaunchRequest': function () {
'GetNewFactIntent': function () {
'AMAZON.HelpIntent': function () {
var speechOutput = "You can say tell me what Trump said, or, you can say exit... What can I help you with?";
var reprompt = "What can I help you with?";
this.emit(':ask', speechOutput, reprompt);
'AMAZON.CancelIntent': function () {
this.emit(':tell', 'Goodbye!');
'AMAZON.StopIntent': function () {
this.emit(':tell', 'Goodbye!');
'AMAZON.YesIntent': function () {
'AMAZON.NoIntent': function () {
this.emit(':tell', 'Goodbye!');
'Unhandled':function () {
this.emit(':ask',"I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you asked me.");