I just got my hands on an Intel Edison and the Grove IoT Starter Kit Plus! To get acquainted, I started plugging things in and mashing up example code. Here's the result: a boundary-sensitive assembly, which is prone to freaking out a little bit when its bubble is breached.
I plugged in these sensors:
RGB LCD – in the second I2C port
- Capacitive touch sensor – in port D3
- Buzzer – in port D4
I started with the Grove_Button sketch, which can be used for the touch sensor as well. It's supposed to turn on an LED, but I didn't have one on hand.
Instead, I added in the HelloWorld sketch for the LCD, which by default makes the screen red and displays "hello world!", with a time counter underneath. I interlaced its required libraries, etc. with the button code, and made it so that the screen is green by default, displaying "touchy touchy" on the first line. When the capacitive sensor is touched, the screen turns red and the second line shows a counter of the number of times it's been poked.
The poke-counter required me to increase the delay at the end of the loop. The button code had it set at 10ms, which was too fast, so it counted each poke as many increments. I upped this to 100ms, so now each finger-poke either doesn't register, or registers as two. GOOD ENOUGH.
Finally, I Scotch-taped in the Grove_Buzzer code. It plays "twinkle, twinkle little star" (or the alphabet song) by default, on loop, forever. I swapped that out for a single tone, but haven't yet trimmed the code to take out the extra stuff – just because I'll be playing with it more in the near future.
I might build a little case to stick the Edison in. I don't have one of the neat little breakout boards, nor will I likely be ordering custom PCBs for it, so it makes sense for me to keep it on the Arduino breakout board. Maybe a cigar box I've got laying around :)