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Raspberry Pi Facial Recognition

So you want to control entry to your secret lair, huh? This project will allow you to use facial recognition using a Pi and AWS.

IntermediateWork in progress2 hours78,185
Raspberry Pi Facial Recognition

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Any camera that writes to a drive or folder will also work. The scripts are written assuming you are using Linux, not Windows.
Camera Module
Raspberry Pi Camera Module
Waveshare Raspberry Pi Camera (F) Night Vision Camera Adjustable-Focus Module 5MP
This is an optional component. You can use any standard Raspberry Pi compatible camera.

Software apps and online services

AWS Rekognition
Amazon Web Services AWS Rekognition
Free Tier services are available for Rekognition.


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To install, follow the instructions on the github page.


5 projects • 38 followers
Time traveler, developer; special interest in black holes and bending space time


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