This project was created as part of an IOT (Internet of Things) project for Professor John McAlpine's Fall 2023 "MEGR-3171 Intro to Measurements & Instrumentation" course. This project acts as proof-of-concept of a distributed computer data readout system, where each system can communicate with one another. Specifically, it monitors the internal conditions of our computers and alerts us if something goes wrong.
Each sensor module monitors the outputs of three sensors; a photoresistor (light sensor), thermistor (temperature sensor), and a microphone. If any sensor records a problematic reading, the master module will activate an LED on all connected devices, notifying users of an ongoing issue. The photoresistor is shielded from the LED to reduce the chances of the LED remaining on after the problem is resolved.
Using the Particle console, we created a webhook that takes our sensor readings, published as Particle events, and sends them to to generate graphs.
The code for this project is written in C. The two sensor modules measure input values using analog inputs A0, A1, and A2, and publish these readings as events in the Particle Console. These readings from the connected photoresistor, sound, and temperature sensors are then compared against predetermined thresholds. If any of the values exceed this threshold, an alarm event is published. The master module is configured to react to alarm events by activating the alarm LEDs on all modules at once.
Once sensor readings return to acceptable levels, the sensor modules publish an all-clear event, and the master module turns the alarm LEDs off on all devices.
Below is a video that explains the project.
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