Hugh Herr is a famous American rock climber who has shattered the limitations of his disabilities; he is a strong believer that technology could help disabled persons to live a normal life. In one of his TED talk Herr said “Humans are not disabled. A person can never be broken. Our built environment, our technologies, is broken and disabled. We the people need not accept our limitations, but can transfer disability through technological Innovation”. These were not just words but he lived his life to them, today he uses Prosthetic legs and claims to live to normal life. So yes, technology can indeed neutralize human disability; with this in mind let us use the power of Bolt, Arduino and simple sensors to build a Blind man’s stick that could perform more than just a stick for visually impaired persons.
Working PrincipleThe working principle is very simple. the Arduino continuously check for Serial command received from Bolt. If the command string ON it performs the corresponding functions.
When it receives ON if everything is right it performs analogWrite command. It checks the range of distance from ultrasonic sensor is in limit. If it is less than the limit the led and buzzer will be ON.
By this the person using the Blind stick will be able to know is there any obstacle on his way so that he/she will be alert.
Hardware Setup
1.Buzzer positive terminal(longer pin) to pin 11 of Arduino and negative to ground.
2.LED positive terminal(longer pin) to pin 13 of Arduino and negative to ground.
3.Ultrasonic sensor pins vcc to vcc, gnd to gnd
Echo to pin 10 of Arduino and Trig to pin 9 of Arduino.
4.Tx and Rx pin of Bolt to Tx and Rx pin of Arduino.
Use 5v vcc suply for both Arduino and Bolt