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Hackster is hosting Impact Spotlights: Smart Home. Watch the stream live on Thursday!Hackster is hosting Impact Spotlights: Smart Home. Stream on Thursday!
Hacker Shack
Published © GPL3+

Smart Security Camera

IoT Raspberry Pi security camera running OpenCV for object detection. The camera will send an email with an image of any objects it detects.

IntermediateFull instructions provided5 hours240,695
Smart Security Camera

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless
Raspberry Pi Zero Wireless
Camera Module
Raspberry Pi Camera Module
Adafruit Raspberry Pi Zero Camera Cable
Micro-USB to USB Cable (Generic)
Micro-USB to USB Cable (Generic)
1/4" MDF Board
90 Degree Angle Bracket
Outdoor Mounting Tape
M4 X 20mm Long Machine Screws
M4 Hex Nuts
M2.5 Machine Screws
#8 X 3/4" Long Machine Screws
#8 Hex Nut
#8 Wing Nut

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Electric Hand Drill
Electric Jigsaw


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Housing Bottom Schematic

Dimensions for the MDF housing. The dimensions that you use may be different depending on the hardware and MDF board thickness you have. Use this schematic as a general guideline.

Housing Top Schematic

Dimensions for the MDF housing. The dimensions that you use may be different depending on the hardware and MDF board thickness you have. Use this schematic as a general guideline.


Security Camera Code


Hacker Shack
7 projects • 807 followers
Hacker Shack is a team of two engineers that make instructional DIY videos about robotics, software, and other cool tech related projects.


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