Nvidia Jetson Nano control and vision with 4-Wheel Steering, ROS2 RealSense2, RPlidar, BNO055, Python3 to drive the Jetson Nano
DetailsNvidia Jetson Nano Developers Edition, 4 Wheel Steering Rock Crawler Chassis
Using: PC - Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS2 FOXY
- 2 Joysticks, Thrustmaster HOTAS Joystick and Throttle
Jetson Nano - Ubuntu 18.04 and ROS2 Eloquent - Adafruit PCA9685 16 Channel PWM driver board - BNO055 gyro - USB wifi card - RPLidar - Realsense D435 - 4-Wheel Steering
Joystick Control - ROS2 pcs9685 Driver
colcon build --symlink-install
start ROS2 Realsense And Lidar Nodes on the Jetson
ros2 launch realsense_examples rs_camera.launch.py
Lidar node - Lidar works well in ROS2 but it also has python code unimplemented now
sudo chmod 666 /dev/ttyUSB0
ros2 launch rplidar_ros rplidar.launch.py
Visualization - For the cameras, I keep the subscriptions to a minimum for a faster frame rate for just driving. Nav2 and slamtoolbox create maps and can create pathways.