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Harald Bauer
Published © MIT

POV Cylinder with Arduino Due

The device displays animated GIF pictures on a rotating cylinder. The GIF pictures can be downloaded from a PC via Bluetooth.

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POV Cylinder with Arduino Due

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino Due
Arduino Due
HC-06 Bluetooth Module
1 m LPD8806 LED RGB Stripe IP20 60 LEDs/m - 30 ICs/m
Linear Regulator with Adjustable Output
Linear Regulator with Adjustable Output
General Purpose Dual Op-Amp
Texas Instruments General Purpose Dual Op-Amp
Resistor 20k ohm
Resistor 220 ohm
Resistor 220 ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 1k ohm
General Purpose Transistor NPN
General Purpose Transistor NPN
Capacitor 1000 µF
Capacitor 1000 µF
Capacitor 100 nF
Capacitor 100 nF
Capacitor 1 µF
Capacitor 1 µF
Resistor 240 ohm
Trimming Resistor 1k ohm
IR transmitter (generic)
IR receiver (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Styrofoam Cylinder (Diameter: 20cm, Height: 10cm)
Electric Motor, 12V, XDRIVE 545-1
Crown gear 60 T 8 MM
Crown Gear 12 T, 3.2 MM
Toothed Belt, 80 T, 6 x 200 MM
Threaded Bar, M8, 125 mm
Threaded Bar, M8, 330 mm
Used as shaft.
Contact Ring ASL9017
Adhesive Tape (black, 48 mm)
Used to stick on rotor
Plywood Disk (Ø 150mm, Thickness: 10mm)
Aluminum Disk ( Ø 200mm, Thickness: 2.5mm)

Software apps and online services

Microchip Studio
Microchip Studio
Used for Arduino SW Development
Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE
Can be used as alternative to Atmel Studio IDE
Cygwin provides functionality similar to a Linux distribution on Windows. Used for the PC Control Program.
Visual Studio 2015
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
Used for the Graphical User Interface.

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Scroll saw (generic)
Bench Drill (generic)
Laboratory power supply (generic)
Laptop with Windows 10 (generic)


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POV Cyclinder with Arduino Due

This is the schematic.


Arduino source code for POV Cylinder

PC Control Program for POV Cylinder

This is a C++ command line program running under Cygwin

Graphical User Interface for POV Cylinder

This is a Windows Universal App


Harald Bauer
1 project • 18 followers
System/SoC Architect by day, Maker by night.


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