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Hardware Unknown
Published © CC BY-NC-SA

The R0M4 Quad-Barrel Air Cannon

You've seen air cannons as t-shirt launchers, potato guns, and more. Step your launcher game up with an Arduino Nano and rapid-fire action!

IntermediateFull instructions provided20 hours471
The R0M4 Quad-Barrel Air Cannon

Things used in this project

Software apps and online services

Arduino IDE
Arduino IDE


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Custom parts and enclosures

Circuit board enclosure

Circuit board enclosure lid

Grommet body

Use for routing wire through cannon main enclosure wall

Grommet ring

Glue onto grommet body after pressing body through hole in cannon ecnlosure


Circuit board

Circuit board with legend. Solder board according to this diagram.



Triggers all barrels of the quad cannon when a single button is pressed. Cannons will simultaneously fire one after the other. Adjust "solenoidWait" to change the delay between cannons firing, in milliseconds.
 * quad-cannon-button by Hardware Unknown (https://www.youtube.com/hardwareunknown)

const int solenoid1 = 5;
const int solenoid2 = 4;
const int solenoid3 = 3;
const int solenoid4 = 7;
const int button = A3;

unsigned long solenoid1Start = 0; // time when solenoid1 was last opened
unsigned long solenoid2Start = 0; // time when solenoid2 was last opened
unsigned long solenoid3Start = 0; // time when solenoid3 was last opened
unsigned long solenoid4Start = 0; // time when solenoid4 was last opened
unsigned long solenoidWait = 150; // time between cannons firing during rapid fire sequence
unsigned long solenoidInterval = 1000; // # ms solenoid remains open for

unsigned long launcherArmDelay = 1000; // how long until launcher is armed after final rapid fire shot

bool buttonPressed = false; 
bool launcherArmed = true;

unsigned long currentMillis = 0;

void setup()
  pinMode(solenoid1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(solenoid2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(solenoid3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(solenoid4, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(button, INPUT_PULLUP);

  delay(1000); // prevents solenoids all simultaneously firing on startup, unsure why this occured before

void loop(){
  buttonPressed = !digitalRead(button);
  if (buttonPressed && launcherArmed){
    launcherArmed = false;
    solenoid1Start = millis();
    solenoid2Start = millis() + solenoidWait;
    solenoid3Start = millis() + (2 * solenoidWait);
    solenoid4Start = millis() + (3 * solenoidWait);
  if (millis() - solenoid1Start < solenoidInterval){
    digitalWrite(solenoid1, HIGH); // open the solenoid valve
    digitalWrite(solenoid1, LOW); // close the solenoid valve
  if (millis() - solenoid2Start < solenoidInterval && millis() >= solenoid2Start){
    digitalWrite(solenoid2, HIGH); // open the solenoid valve
    digitalWrite(solenoid2, LOW); // close the solenoid valve
  if (millis() - solenoid3Start < solenoidInterval && millis() >= solenoid3Start){
    digitalWrite(solenoid3, HIGH); // open the solenoid valve
    digitalWrite(solenoid3, LOW); // close the solenoid valve
  if (millis() - solenoid4Start < solenoidInterval && millis() >= solenoid4Start){
    digitalWrite(solenoid4, HIGH); // open the solenoid valve
    digitalWrite(solenoid4, LOW); // close the solenoid valve
  if (millis() >= solenoid4Start + solenoidInterval + launcherArmDelay){
    launcherArmed = true;


Hardware Unknown

Hardware Unknown

2 projects • 1 follower
I post my build projects on YouTube (youtube.com/hardwareunknown), hoping to entertain, educate, and inspire you to build yourself. Join me.
