The project indoor golf setup using Arduino and Raspberry Pi or virtual moving floor is a golf floor that is supported by 24 jacks and each jack can move up or down to create a virtually golf floor. The setup consists of Arduino which is connected to ultrasonic sensors and reading values of sensor and sending it to Pi for the controlling of the jacks. The Pi is controlled by GUI, which allows you can control each jack separately and the real-time distance is shown on it. The electrical jacks are the backbone of the floor which on moving up and down makes a curvy area and a perfect place to play golf.
System Hardware- Arduino: Reading ultrasonic data and sending it to Raspberry Pi using serial communication.
- Raspberry Pi: Read Arduino data using serial communication, connected with i2c relay, and relays are connected to jacks and Pi is showing the GUI.
- Electrical Jacks: Are connected with relays and are able to move up and down and they make curvy terrain.
I am still working on the project and I will update the tutorial once I am done completely.