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Akhil Veeraghantasteven
Published © GPL3+

LEAPing into accessibility.

A modified electric wheel chair controlled by the leap motion providing unparalleled control over the wheelchair and household appliances.

IntermediateShowcase (no instructions)5,922

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Servos (Tower Pro MG996R)
Arduino UNO
Arduino UNO
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
DC motor (generic)
Leap Motion Controller
Leap Motion Controller
LCD Display
Generic Battery Pack
4xaa battery block
IR Led
IR receiver (generic)
Grove Relay Module
Electric Wheel Chair

Hand tools and fabrication machines

Wire stripper
Multi head screwdriver
Wire cutter
Adjustable wrench
Hot glue gun (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Allen Keys


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Connection Diagram/Schematic for Wheelchair

diagram can be used a reference for wiring it correctly

Connection Diagram/Schematic for Relay/receiver

Diagram can be used as reference to properly wire the receiver


Akhil Veeraghanta
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