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Tim Hodges
Published © GPL3+

Traffic camera

An outdoor camera that counts passing traffic and logs their speed and direction. See the results @ sites.google.com/view/burnshotroad/home

IntermediateFull instructions provided3 days22,248
Traffic camera

Things used in this project

Hardware components

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
Raspberry Pi PoE HAT
Raspberry Pi PoE HAT
Pi NoIR Camera V2
Raspberry Pi Pi NoIR Camera V2
Naturebytes Wildlife Cam Case
5v Cooling Fan for Raspberry Pi
Doesn't have to be this model - any fan compatible with the Pi will do. This one also included a heat sink to place on the CPU.

Software apps and online services

Raspberry Pi Raspbian


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carspeed Version 3

Example python3 carspeed.py -ulx 136 -uly 321 -lrx 896 -lry 444
# CarSpeed Version 3.0

# import the necessary packages
from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
from picamera import PiCamera
import time
import math
import datetime
import cv2
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import numpy as np
import argparse

# place a prompt on the displayed image
def prompt_on_image(txt):
    global image
    cv2.putText(image, txt, (10, 35),
    cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.35, (0, 0, 255), 1)
# calculate speed from pixels and time
def get_speed(pixels, ftperpixel, secs):
    if secs > 0.0:
        return ((pixels * ftperpixel)/ secs) * 0.681818    # Magic number to convert fps to mph
        return 0.0
# calculate elapsed seconds
def secs_diff(endTime, begTime):
    diff = (endTime - begTime).total_seconds()
    return diff

# record speed in .csv format
def record_speed(res):
    global csvfileout
    f = open(csvfileout, 'a')

# mapping function equivalent to C map function from Arduino
def my_map(x, in_min, in_max, out_min, out_max):
    return int((x-in_min) * (out_max-out_min) / (in_max-in_min) + out_min)

def measure_light(hsvImg):
    #Determine luminance level of monitored area 
    #returns the median from the histogram which contains 0 - 255 levels
    hist = cv2.calcHist([hsvImg], [2], None, [256],[0,255])
    windowsize = (hsvImg.size)/3   #There are 3 pixels per HSV value 
    count = 0
    sum = 0
    print (windowsize)
    for value in hist:
        sum = sum + value
        count +=1    
        if (sum > windowsize/2):   #test for median
    return count   

#Reciprocal function curve to give a smaller number for bright light and a bigger number for low light
def get_save_buffer(light):
    save_buffer = int((100/(light - 0.5)) + MIN_SAVE_BUFFER)    
    print(" save buffer " + str(save_buffer))
    return save_buffer

def get_min_area(light):
    if (light > 10):
        light = 10;
    area =int((1000 * math.sqrt(light - 1)) + 100)
    print("min area= " + str(area)) 
    return area

def get_threshold(light):
   #Threshold for dark needs to be high so only pick up lights on vehicle
    if (light <= 1):
        threshold = 130
    elif(light <= 2):
        threshold = 100
    elif(light <= 3):
        threshold = 60
        threshold = THRESHOLD
    print("threshold= " + str(threshold))
    return threshold

def store_image():
    # timestamp the image - 
    global cap_time, image, mean_speed
    cv2.putText(image, cap_time.strftime("%A %d %B %Y %I:%M:%S%p"),
    (10, image.shape[0] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (0, 255, 0), 1)
    # write the speed: first get the size of the text
    size, base = cv2.getTextSize( "%.0f mph" % mean_speed, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2, 3)
    # then center it horizontally on the image
    cntr_x = int((IMAGEWIDTH - size[0]) / 2) 
    cv2.putText(image, "%.0f mph" % mean_speed,
    (cntr_x , int(IMAGEHEIGHT * 0.2)), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 2.00, (0, 255, 0), 3)
    # and save the image to disk
    imageFilename = "car_at_" + cap_time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") + ".jpg"

def store_traffic_data():
    global cap_time, mean_speed, direction, counter, sd, client

    csvString=(cap_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") + ' ' +\
    cap_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S:%f')+','+("%.0f" % mean_speed) + ',' +\
    ("%d" % direction) + ',' + ("%d" % counter) + ','+ ("%d" % sd))


    jsonstring = '{"created_at":'+'"'+ cap_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")+\
        ' ' + cap_time.strftime('%H:%M:%S:%f')+'"' +\
        ',"field1":'+("%.0f" % mean_speed)+\
        ',"field2":' + ("%d" % direction) +\
        ',"field3":' + ("%d" % counter) +\
        ',"field4":' + ("%.0f" % sd) +\
    client.publish('traffic', jsonstring)  #Publish MQTT data
# define some constants
L2R_DISTANCE = 47  #<---- enter your distance-to-road value for cars going left to right here
R2L_DISTANCE = 37  #<---- enter your distance-to-road value for cars going left to right here
MIN_SPEED_IMAGE = 50  #<---- enter the minimum speed for saving images
SAVE_CSV = True  #<---- record the results in .csv format in carspeed_(date).csv
MIN_SPEED_SAVE = 10  #<---- enter the minimum speed for publishing to MQTT broker and saving to CSV
MAX_SPEED_SAVE = 80  #<---- enter the maximum speed for publishing to MQTT broker and saving to CSV

MIN_AREA = 175
BLURSIZE = (15,15)
FOV = 62.2 # Pi Camera v2 is wider
FPS = 30

# the following enumerated values are used to make the program more readable

# construct the argument parser and parse the arguments
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-ulx", "--upper_left_x", required=True,
	help="upper left x coord")
ap.add_argument("-uly", "--upper_left_y", required=True,
	help="upper left y coord")
ap.add_argument("-lrx", "--lower_right_x", required=True,
	help="lower right x coord")
ap.add_argument("-lry", "--lower_right_y", required=True,
	help="lower right y coord")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())

upper_left_x = int(args["upper_left_x"]);
upper_left_y = int(args["upper_left_y"]);
lower_right_x = int(args["lower_right_x"]);
lower_right_y = int(args["lower_right_y"]);

# calculate the the width of the image at the distance specified
#frame_width_ft = 2*(math.tan(math.radians(FOV*0.5))*DISTANCE)
l2r_frame_width_ft = 2*(math.tan(math.radians(FOV*0.5))*L2R_DISTANCE)
r2l_frame_width_ft = 2*(math.tan(math.radians(FOV*0.5))*R2L_DISTANCE)
l2r_ftperpixel = l2r_frame_width_ft / float(IMAGEWIDTH)
r2l_ftperpixel = r2l_frame_width_ft / float(IMAGEWIDTH)
print("L2R Image width in feet {} at {} from camera".format("%.0f" % l2r_frame_width_ft,"%.0f" % L2R_DISTANCE))
print("R2L Image width in feet {} at {} from camera".format("%.0f" % r2l_frame_width_ft,"%.0f" % R2L_DISTANCE))

# state maintains the state of the speed computation process
# if starts as WAITING
# the first motion detected sets it to TRACKING
# if it is tracking and no motion is found or the x value moves
# out of bounds, state is set to SAVING and the speed of the object
# is calculated
# initial_x holds the x value when motion was first detected
# last_x holds the last x value before tracking was was halted
# depending upon the direction of travel, the front of the
# vehicle is either at x, or at x+w 
# (tracking_end_time - tracking_start_time) is the elapsed time
# from these the speed is calculated and displayed 

state = WAITING
direction = UNKNOWN
initial_x = 0
last_x = 0
cap_time = datetime.datetime.now()   
#pixel width at left and right of window to detect end of tracking
savebuffer = MIN_SAVE_BUFFER  
#-- other values used in program
base_image = None
abs_chg = 0
mph = 0
secs = 0.0
ix,iy = -1,-1
fx,fy = -1,-1
drawing = False
setup_complete = False
tracking = False
text_on_image = 'No cars'
prompt = ''
broker_address = 'emonpi'
save_image = False
t1 = 0.0  #timer
t2 = 0.0  #timer
lightlevel = 0
adjusted_threshold = THRESHOLD
adjusted_min_area = MIN_AREA

# initialise the camera. 
# Adjust vflip and hflip to reflect your camera's orientation
camera = PiCamera()
camera.resolution = RESOLUTION
camera.framerate = FPS
camera.vflip = False
camera.hflip = False

rawCapture = PiRGBArray(camera, size=camera.resolution)
# allow the camera to warm up

# create an image window and place it in the upper left corner of the screen
cv2.namedWindow("Speed Camera")
cv2.moveWindow("Speed Camera", 10, 40)
#Create MQTT client and connect
client = mqtt.Client('traffic_cam')
client.username_pw_set('xxxxxx', password='xxxxxxxxxxxxx')

    csvfileout = "carspeed_{}.csv".format(datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M"))
    record_speed('DateTime,Speed,Direction, Counter,SD, Image,')
    csvfileout = ''
monitored_width = lower_right_x - upper_left_x
monitored_height = lower_right_y - upper_left_y
print("Monitored area:")
print(" upper_left_x {}".format(upper_left_x))
print(" upper_left_y {}".format(upper_left_y))
print(" lower_right_x {}".format(lower_right_x))
print(" lower_right_y {}".format(lower_right_y))
print(" monitored_width {}".format(monitored_width))
print(" monitored_height {}".format(monitored_height))
print(" monitored_area {}".format(monitored_width * monitored_height))

# capture frames from the camera (using capture_continuous.
#   This keeps the picamera in capture mode - it doesn't need
#   to prep for each frame's capture.
for frame in camera.capture_continuous(rawCapture, format="bgr", use_video_port=True):
    # grab the raw NumPy array representing the image 
    image = frame.array
    # crop area defined by [y1:y2,x1:x2]
    gray = image[upper_left_y:lower_right_y,upper_left_x:lower_right_x]
    # capture colour for later when measuring light levels
    hsv = cv2.cvtColor(gray, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
    # convert the frame to grayscale, and blur it
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(gray, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    gray = cv2.GaussianBlur(gray, BLURSIZE, 0)
    # if the base image has not been defined, initialize it
    if base_image is None:
        base_image = gray.copy().astype("float")
        cv2.imshow("Speed Camera", image)

    if lightlevel == 0:   #First pass through only
        #Set threshold and min area and save_buffer based on light readings
        lightlevel = my_map(measure_light(hsv),0,256,1,10)
        print("light level = " + str(lightlevel))
        adjusted_min_area = get_min_area(lightlevel)
        adjusted_threshold = get_threshold(lightlevel)
        adjusted_save_buffer = get_save_buffer(lightlevel)
        last_lightlevel = lightlevel

    # compute the absolute difference between the current image and
    # base image and then turn eveything lighter gray than THRESHOLD into
    # white
    frameDelta = cv2.absdiff(gray, cv2.convertScaleAbs(base_image))
    thresh = cv2.threshold(frameDelta, adjusted_threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY)[1]
    # dilate the thresholded image to fill in any holes, then find contours
    # on thresholded image
    thresh = cv2.dilate(thresh, None, iterations=2)
    (_, cnts, _) = cv2.findContours(thresh.copy(), cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

    # look for motion 
    motion_found = False
    biggest_area = 0
    # examine the contours, looking for the largest one
    for c in cnts:
        (x1, y1, w1, h1) = cv2.boundingRect(c)
        # get an approximate area of the contour
        found_area = w1*h1 
        # find the largest bounding rectangle
        if (found_area > adjusted_min_area) and (found_area > biggest_area):  
            biggest_area = found_area
            motion_found = True
            x = x1
            y = y1
            h = h1
            w = w1
            #record the timestamp at the point in code where motion found
            timestamp = datetime.datetime.now()

    if motion_found:
        if state == WAITING:
            # intialize tracking
            state = TRACKING
            initial_x = x
            last_x = x
            #if initial capture straddles start line then the
            # front of vehicle is at position w when clock started
            initial_w = w
            initial_time = timestamp
            last_mph = 0
            #Initialise array for storing speeds
            speeds = np.array([])
            sd=0  #Initialise standard deviation
            text_on_image = 'Tracking'
            counter = 0   # use to test later if saving with too few data points    
            car_gap = secs_diff(initial_time, cap_time) 
            print("initial time = "+str(initial_time) + " " + "cap_time =" + str(cap_time) + " gap= " +\
                 str(car_gap) + " initial x= " + str(initial_x) + " initial_w= " + str(initial_w))
            print("x-chg    Secs      MPH  x-pos width  BA DIR Count time")
            # if gap between cars too low then probably seeing tail lights of current car
            #but I might need to tweek this if find I'm not catching fast cars
            if (car_gap<TOO_CLOSE):   
                state = WAITING
                print("too close")
        else:  #state != WAITING
            # compute the lapsed time
            secs = secs_diff(timestamp,initial_time)
            if secs >= 3: # Object taking too long to move across
                state = WAITING
                direction = UNKNOWN
                text_on_image = 'No Car Detected'
                motion_found = False
                biggest_area = 0
                base_image = None

            if state == TRACKING:       
                if x >= last_x:
                    direction = LEFT_TO_RIGHT
                    abs_chg = (x + w) - (initial_x + initial_w)
                    mph = get_speed(abs_chg,l2r_ftperpixel,secs)
                    direction = RIGHT_TO_LEFT
                    abs_chg = initial_x - x     
                    mph = get_speed(abs_chg,r2l_ftperpixel,secs)           

                counter+=1   #Increment counter

                speeds = np.append(speeds, mph)   #Append speed to array

                if mph < 0:
                    print("negative speed - stopping tracking"+ "{0:7.2f}".format(secs))
                    if direction == LEFT_TO_RIGHT:
                        direction = RIGHT_TO_LEFT  #Reset correct direction
                        x=1  #Force save
                        direction = LEFT_TO_RIGHT  #Reset correct direction
                        x=monitored_width + MIN_SAVE_BUFFER  #Force save
                    print("{0:4d}  {1:7.2f}  {2:7.0f}   {3:4d}  {4:4d} {5:4d} {6:1d} {7:1d} {8:%H%M%S%f}". \
                    format(abs_chg,secs,mph,x,w,biggest_area, direction,counter, timestamp))
                real_y = upper_left_y + y
                real_x = upper_left_x + x

                # is front of object outside the monitired boundary? Then write date, time and speed on image
                # and save it 
                if ((x <= adjusted_save_buffer) and (direction == RIGHT_TO_LEFT)) \
                        or ((x+w >= monitored_width - adjusted_save_buffer) \
                        and (direction == LEFT_TO_RIGHT)):
                    #you need at least 2 data points to calculate a mean and we're deleting one on line below
                    if (counter > 2): 
                        mean_speed = np.mean(speeds[:-1])   #Mean of all items except the last one
                        sd = np.std(speeds[:-1])  #SD of all items except the last one
                    elif (counter > 1):
                        mean_speed = speeds[-1] # use the last element in the array
                        sd = 99 # Set it to a very high value to highlight it's not to be trusted.
                        mean_speed = 0 #ignore it 
                        sd = 0
                    print("numpy mean= " + "%.0f" % mean_speed)   
                    print("numpy SD = " + "%.0f" % sd)

                    #Captime used for mqtt, csv, image filename. 
                    cap_time = datetime.datetime.now()   

                    # save the image but only if there is light and above the min speed for images 
                    if (mean_speed > MIN_SPEED_IMAGE) and (lightlevel > 1) :    
                    # save the data if required and above min speed for data
                    if SAVE_CSV and mean_speed > MIN_SPEED_SAVE and mean_speed < MAX_SPEED_SAVE:
                    counter = 0
                    state = SAVING
                    print("saving")  #debug                    
                # if the object hasn't reached the end of the monitored area, just remember the speed 
                # and its last position
                last_mph = mph
                last_x = x
        # No motion detected
        if state == TRACKING:
            #Last frame has skipped the buffer zone    
            if (counter > 2): 
                mean_speed = np.mean(speeds[:-1])   #Mean of all items except the last one
                sd = np.std(speeds[:-1])  #SD of all items except the last one
                print("missed but saving")
            elif (counter > 1):
                mean_speed = speeds[-1] # use the last element in the array
                sd = 99 # Set it to a very high value to highlight it's not to be trusted.
                print("missed but saving")
                mean_speed = 0 #ignore it 
                sd = 0
            print("numpy mean= " + "%.0f" % mean_speed)   
            print("numpy SD = " + "%.0f" % sd)

            cap_time = datetime.datetime.now()
            if (mean_speed > MIN_SPEED_IMAGE) and (lightlevel > 1) :    
            if SAVE_CSV and mean_speed > MIN_SPEED_SAVE:

        if state != WAITING:
            state = WAITING
            direction = UNKNOWN
            text_on_image = 'No Car Detected'
            counter = 0
    # only update image and wait for a keypress when waiting for a car
    # This is required since waitkey slows processing.
    if (state == WAITING):    
        # draw the text and timestamp on the frame
        cv2.putText(image, datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%A %d %B %Y %I:%M:%S%p"),
            (10, image.shape[0] - 10), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.75, (0, 255, 0), 1)
        cv2.putText(image, "Road Status: {}".format(text_on_image), (10, 20),
            cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX,0.35, (0, 0, 255), 1)
        if SHOW_BOUNDS:
            #define the monitored area right and left boundary
            cv2.line(image,(upper_left_x,upper_left_y),(upper_left_x,lower_right_y),(0, 255, 0))
            cv2.line(image,(lower_right_x,upper_left_y),(lower_right_x,lower_right_y),(0, 255, 0))
        # show the frame and check for a keypress
        if SHOW_IMAGE:
            cv2.imshow("Speed Camera", image)
        # Adjust the base_image as lighting changes through the day
        if state == WAITING:
            last_x = 0
            cv2.accumulateWeighted(gray, base_image, 0.25)
            t2 = time.process_time()
            if (t2 - t1) > 60:   # We need to measure light level every so often
                t1 = time.process_time()
                lightlevel = my_map(measure_light(hsv),0,256,1,10)
                print("light level = " + str(lightlevel))
                adjusted_min_area = get_min_area(lightlevel)
                adjusted_threshold = get_threshold(lightlevel)
                adjusted_save_buffer = get_save_buffer(lightlevel)
                if lightlevel != last_lightlevel:
                    base_image = None
                last_lightlevel = lightlevel
        key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
        # if the `q` key is pressed, break from the loop and terminate processing
        if key == ord("q"):
            client.disconnect()   ##disconnect from mqtt broker
    # clear the stream in preparation for the next frame
# cleanup the camera and close any open windows

Carspeed version 3

Code to run Raspberry Pi with camera and count traffic and vehicle speeds. Launch with python3 carspeed.py -ulx 64 -uly 321 -lrx 960 -lry 444


Tim Hodges
1 project • 1 follower


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