Major Components
Day by day all operations handled by man becoming an automated, in this regard one of the operations like opening of gate/door in unman condition, it is to be opened by automatically when person comes near to the door/Gate. This senses the presence of man/object near to it and gate is automatically opened and closed by itself. the time can be derived by user in program as delay. Here we are trying to do a small project on automatic Gate opener using arduino and IR Sensor. it will be a very cool and very interesting projec and can be used this for car garage as well as main gate.
- Connect the 5V ofthe Arduino to the positive of the IR sensor
- Connect the ground to the ground of IR sensor and LM293D driver
- Connect D0 and D1 of Arduino to IN2, IN1 of LM293D driver resectively
- Connect dc motor terminals to pin3, pin6 of LM293D driver
- Connect output of the IR sensor to the A0 pin of the Arduino
- Check the connection once again
- Download the ino sketch to Arduino UNO using Arduino IDE
- Place the anyobject near to IR Sensor
- Now your projectwill starts working
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