First I wanted to create a robot that can open my trash. But I had some problems with the button's bounce, so I decided to play with what I had.
With time and ideas, I finally decided to make a little, simply, but fun robotic arm with servos and lollipop sticks.
The ArmBotThe ArmBot posses a joystick to orient it, and three LEDs that shows the status of the arm: yellow => initialisation, green => in movement, red => in standby.
I made the structure with lollipops sticks, as you can see on those pictures:
Finally, I used the Arduino IDE to code the program. You can found it on my GitHub page ( Use it as you want.
By the way, the name is trashbot because I didn't changed the name of the repository, and the Fritzing scheme isn't finished.
ImprovementsI have some ideas of improvements, for example a better calibration of LEDs and servos.
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