Using a Particle Photon, this project allows you to remotely control your V3 GeekDesk The V3 only comes with a simple up/down button panel and doesn't allow you to have any presets.
Using an HC-SR04 Ultrasonic distance sensor attached to the bottom of the desk and pointed at the floor, we can measure the height of the desk. Using a pair of opto-isolators tapped into the button panel we can control the desk. The buttons are connected to the desk controller through an rj45 cable. This allows up to connect to the buttons without doing any permanent modifications to the desk itself.
This project gives you the ability to get and set the height of your desk (in centimeters) over the internet using a Particle Photon wifi enabled microcontroller and the Particle's REST api.
The project is open source, so you can create your own circuit board or you can purchase the PCB or a kit for this project on my Tindie page.