If you already have experience with the rectangular LCD modules, you will gain one more experience here: namely the round LCD module which is the size of a men's wristwatch. DFRobot offers it with example-codes for ESP and Arduino as Fermion: 2.2 ”TFT SPI Interface LCD Display (Breakout).
I especially liked the clock: quickly set the current time in the code and uploaded the sketch to the Uno: done. The PIN-Out can be done using the breakout with 8 jumpers.
A graphic could also be converted into hex values with a desktop program and displayed accordingly on the LCD. However, I am inexperienced in using the Chinese characters and have not tried the example program.
I think that with the help of the example sketches, doors will certainly be opened to carry this neat display with you on a backpack for on the go.
DFRobot Wiki with helpful information: 2.2”TFT LCD Display V1.0 (SPI Interface) wiki-DFRobot
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